Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; DB_Strong has a deprecated constructor in /var/www/html/includes/DB_Strong.class.php on line 5
NETBible: Strong -- 1161

de <1161>

de de

Origin:a primary particle (adversative or continuative)
In Greek:d 23, de 2739, [de] 24
In NET:But 613, but 289, Now 157, and 148, And 111, So 105, Then 80, When 34, They 12, The 12, After 6, However 5, so 5, Those 5, yet 4, Instead 4, Yet 4, also 4, He 3, or 3, Meanwhile 3, even 3, however 3, otherwise 3, Even 3, though 2, Because 2, As 2, then 2, Otherwise 2, On the other hand 2, even though 1, At this point 1, where 1, Although 1, indeed 1, Also 1, both 1, Thus 1, I 1, Or 1, Since 1, Here is another way 1, For 1, the 1, and so 1
In AV:but 1237, and 934, now 166, then 132, also 18, yet 16, yea 13, so 13, moreover 13, nevertheless 11, for 4, even 3, misc 10, not tr 300
Definition:1) but, moreover, and, etc.
a primary particle (adversative or continuative); but, and,
etc.:-also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English).

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