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NETBible: Strong -- 0927

b@hal (Aramaic) <0927>

lhb b@hal (Aramaic)

Origin:corresponding to 0926
Reference:TWOT - 2624
In Hebrew:ynnlhby 3, hlhbthb 2, hnwlhby 1, lhbtm 1, Kwlhby 1, hnlhby 1, hlhbthbw 1, Klhby 1
In NET:alarming 2, quickly 2, alarmed 1, alarm 1, terrifying 1, became alarmed 1, rushed 1, troubled 1, terrified 1
In AV:trouble 8, haste 3
Definition:1) (Pual) to frighten, alarm, dismay
2) (Ithpa'al) to hurry, hasten
3) (Ithpa'al) alarmed (part.)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 926; to terrify, hasten:-in
haste, trouble.
see HEBREW for 0926

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