Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; DB_Strong has a deprecated constructor in /var/www/html/includes/DB_Strong.class.php on line 5
NETBible: Strong -- 08824
08824 Hithpolel

This Hebrew form is equivalent in use to the Hithpael, and is
causative/reflexive in meaning. The separate term occurs because
certain verb forms reduplicate their final consonant and change into
a quadriliteral (4-letter) root rather than the normal triliteral
(3-letter) root form. This form additionally lengthens the initial
vowel in the first consonant.

See Hithpael 08819

TIP #11: Use Fonts Page to download/install fonts if Greek or Hebrew texts look funny. [ALL]
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