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NETBible: Strong -- 0858

'athah (Aramaic) <0858>

hta 'athah (Aramaic) or ata 'atha' (Aramaic)

Pronunciation:aw-thaw' aw-thaw'
Origin:corresponding to 0857
Reference:TWOT - 2618
In Hebrew:wytyh 3, hta 2, ata 2, wytyhw 2, hytyhl 2, wta 1, wtaw 1, ytyh 1, atml 1, tytyhw 1
In NET:brought 6, attend 1, arrived 1, approaching 1, Come 1, bring 1, bring in 1, gone 1, gave 1, came 1, went 1
In AV:bring 9, come 7
Definition:1) to come, arrive
1a) (P'al) to come
1b) (Aphel) to bring
1c) (Hophal) to be brought
2) used in the NT in the phrase "maranatha" - "Lord come"
(Aramaic) or wathaw (Aramaic) {aw-thaw'}; corresponding to
857:-(be-)come, bring.
see HEBREW for 0857

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