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NETBible: Strong -- 08454

tuwshiyah <08454>

hyvwt tuwshiyah or hyvt tushiyah

Pronunciation:too-shee-yaw' too-shee-yaw'
Origin:from an unused root probably meaning to substantiate
Reference:TWOT - 923a
PrtSpch:noun feminime
In Hebrew:hyswt 4, hyswtw 4, hyst 1, hystw 1, hyswtl 1
In NET:wisdom 4, insight 1, counsel 1, planned 1, resource 1, sound judgment 1, wise 1, prudence 1
In AV:wisdom 7, enterprise 1, thing as it is 1, that which is 1, substance 1, working 1
Definition:1) wisdom, sound knowledge, success, sound or efficient wisdom, abiding
1a) sound or efficient wisdom
1b) abiding success (of the effect of sound wisdom)
or tushiyah { too-shee-yaw'}; from an unused root probably
meaning to substantiate; support or (by implication) ability,
i.e. (direct) help, (in purpose) an undertaking,
(intellectual) understanding:-enterprise, that which (thing
as it) is, substance, (sound) wisdom, working.

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