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NETBible: Strong -- 07611

sh@'eriyth <07611>

tyrav sh@'eriyth

Origin:from 07604
Reference:TWOT - 2307b
PrtSpch:noun feminime
In Hebrew:tyras 46, tyrasl 7, tyrash 5, tyrasw 2, Ktyrasw 1, Ktyras 1, tyraslw 1, wtyrasw 1, Mtyrasw 1, tyrs 1
In NET:remnant 18, rest 9, remain 7, survivors 4, who are left 4, who had been left alive 2, people who survive 1, people to stay 1, people left 1, other 1, left 1, all who escaped 1, community 1, leave anyone alive 1, nucleus 1, who were left 1, what remains 1, who are still alive 1, who are still left alive 1, those who remain 1, survive 1, remaining tribe 1, who remain 1, still left alive 1, remain alive 1
In AV:remnant 44, residue 13, rest 3, remainder 2, escaped 1, misc 3
Definition:1) rest, residue, remainder, remnant
1a) rest, what is left
1b) remainder, descendants
from 7604; a remainder or residual (surviving, final)
portion:-that had escaped, be left, posterity, remain(-der),
remnant, residue, rest.
see HEBREW for 07604

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