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NETBible: Strong -- 07023

qiyr <07023>

ryq qiyr or rq qir (\\#Isa 22:5\\) or (fem.) hryq qiyrah

Pronunciation:keer keer kee-raw'
Origin:from 06979
Reference:TWOT - 2022
PrtSpch:noun masculine
In Hebrew:ryqb 20, ryqh 15, ryq 10, twryq 6, twryqh 3, ryqm 2, ryqw 2, wytryq 2, ryqbw 2, ryql 2, tryqb 2, wytwryqw 1, hytwryqw 1, wytryqw 1, ryqk 1, twryql 1, twryqb 1, rq 1, ryqhw 1
In NET:wall 39, walls 18, male 6, rafters 2, stonemasons 2, city 1, pain 1, private 1, side 1
In AV:wall 66, side 4, masons 2, town 1, very 1
Definition:1) wall, side
1a) wall (of house or chamber)
1b) the sides (of the altar)
or qir (Isa. 22:5) {keer}; or (feminine) qiyrah {kee-raw'};
from 6979; a wall (as built in a trench):-+ mason, side,
town, X very, wall.
see HEBREW for 06979

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