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NETBible: Strong -- 06966

quwm (Aramaic) <06966>

Mwq quwm (Aramaic)

Origin:corresponding to 06965, Greek 2891 koumi
Reference:TWOT - 2968
In Hebrew:Myqh 5, tmyqh 4, Mwqt 2, Myqy 2, Nwmwqy 2, Myqhy 2, Mwqy 2, htwmqhl 1, ymwq 1, wmq 1, Mqw 1, hmyql 1, wmyqhw 1, hmyqa 1, hmyqh 1, Myqt 1, aymaq 1, Myqhmw 1, Nwmqy 1, Maq 1, *Nymyqw {Nymaqw} 1, Myqhw 1, tmqh 1
In NET:erected 9, arise 4, got up 2, appointed 2, appoint 2, standing 2, establishing 1, establishes 1, Get up 1, appoints 1, issue 1, raised up 1, stand 1, standing before 1, raise up 1, made to stand 1, issued 1, issues 1, stood ready 1
In AV:set up 11, arise 5, stand 5, set 4, establish 3, rise up 3, appointeth 1, stood by 1, made 1, rise 1
Definition:1) to arise, stand
1a) (P'al)
1a1) to arise from
1a2) to come on the scene (fig)
1a3) to arise (out of inaction)
1a4) to stand
1a5) to endure
1b) (Pael) to set up, establish
1c) (Aphel)
1c1) to set up
1c2) to lift up
1c3) to establish
1c4) to appoint
1d) (Hophal) to be made to stand
(Aramaic) corresponding to 6965:-appoint, establish, make,
raise up self, (a-)rise (up), (make to) stand, set (up).
see HEBREW for 06965

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