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NETBible: Strong -- 06846

Ts@phanyah <06846>

hynpu Ts@phanyah or whynpu Ts@phanyahuw

Pronunciation:tsef-an-yaw' tsef-an-yaw'-hoo
Origin:from 06845 and 03050
PrtSpch:noun proper masculine
In Hebrew:hynpu 8, whynpu 2
In NET:Zephaniah 10
In AV:Zephaniah 10
Definition:Zephaniah = "Jehovah has treasured"

1) the 9th in order of the 12 minor prophets; descendant of king
Hezekiah of Judah and prophet in the time of king Josiah of Judah
2) son of Maaseiah and second priest in the reign of king Zedekiah of
Judah; succeeded Jehoiada and an officer of the temple; slain at
Riblah on the capture of Jerusalem
3) father of Josiah and Hen in the time of the prophet Zechariah
4) a Levite
or Tsphanyahuw {tsef-an-yaw'-hoo}; from 6845 and 3050; Jah
has secreted; Tsephanjah, the name of four
see HEBREW for 06845
see HEBREW for 03050
in Bible:
Zephaniah (NET, KJV, NASB, NIV, NRSV, TEV)
Zerahiah (NIV, NRSV)

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