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NETBible: Strong -- 06271

`Athalyah <06271>

hylte `Athalyah or whylte `Athalyahuw

Pronunciation:ath-al-yaw' ath-al-yaw'-hoo
Origin:from the same as 06270 and 03050
In Hebrew:whylte 9, hyltew 4, hylte 3, whyltew 1
In NET:Athaliah 17
In AV:Athaliah 17
Definition:Athaliah = "afflicted of the Lord"

n pr m
1) son of Jeroham of the tribe of Benjamin
2) father of Jeshaiah of the sons of Elam who was one of the heads of
a family who returned with Ezra from exile

n pr f
3) the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel and the wife of king Jehoram of
Judah; killer of all the members of the royal family of Judah with
the exception of one baby named Joash who was hidden by the high
priest Jehoiada until 6 years had passed and Jehoiada led the
revolution to put him on the throne, overthrowing Athaliah and
putting her to death
or mAthalyahuw {ath-al-yaw'-hoo}; from the same as 6270 and
3050; Jah has constrained; Athaljah, the name of an
Israelitess and two Israelites:-Athaliah.
see HEBREW for 06270
see HEBREW for 03050
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