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NETBible: Strong -- 06253

`Ashtoreth <06253>

trtve `Ashtoreth

Origin:probably for 06251
Reference:TWOT - 1718
PrtSpch:noun proper feminime
In Hebrew:trtsel 2, trtse 1
In NET:Astarte 3
In AV:Ashtoreth 3
Definition:Ashtoreth = "star"

1) the principal female deity of the Phoenicians worshipped in war
and fertility
1a) also 'Ishtar' of Assyria and 'Astarte' by the Greeks and Romans
probably for 6251; Ashtoreth, the Phoenician goddess of love
(and increase):-Ashtoreth.
see HEBREW for 06251
in Bible:
Ashtoreth (KJV, NASB, NIV, TEV)
Astarte (NET, NRSV)

Also search for "`Ashtoreth" and display in [NET] and Parallel Bibles.
Also explore "`Ashtoreth" (Astarte) in Bible Study Dictionaries

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