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NETBible: Strong -- 06099

`atsuwm <06099>

Mwue `atsuwm or Mue `atsum

Pronunciation:aw-tsoom' aw-tsoom';
Origin:pass. part. of 06105
Reference:TWOT - 1673d
In Hebrew:Mwue 11, Mwuew 5, Mymwue 5, Mymuew 5, Mymwuew 2, wymwueb 1, Mymwueh 1, Mymue 1
In NET:powerful 7, stronger 3, mighty 3, many 1, large 1, fatally 1, mightier 1, numerous 1, sturdy 1, strong opponents 1, turbulent 1
In AV:strong 13, mighty 8, mightier 7, feeble 1, great 1, much 1
Definition:1) mighty, vast, numerous
1a) mighty, strong (in number)
1b) numerous, countless
or matsum {aw-tsoom'}; passive participle of 6105; powerful
(specifically, a paw); by implication, numerous:-+ feeble,
great, mighty, must, strong.
see HEBREW for 06105

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