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NETBible: Strong -- 05766

`evel <05766>

lwe `evel or lwe `avel and (fem.) hlwe `avlah or hlwe `owlah or hle `olah

Pronunciation:eh'-vel aw'-vel av-law' o-law' o-law'
Origin:from 05765
Reference:TWOT - 1580a 1580b
PrtSpch:noun masculine/feminime
In Hebrew:hlwe 21, lwe 16, hlwew 2, htlwe 2, tlwe 2, hlweb 2, lwem 2, lweb 1, *htlwe {htle} 1, wlwebw 1, htlew 1, htlweb 1, wlweb 1
In NET:unjust 9, iniquity 7, evil 5, wrongdoing 4, injustice 3, falsehood 2, Violent men 2, wrong 2, wickedness 2, fault 1, criminals 1, deceitfully 1, dishonestly 1, evildoers 1, evil deeds 1, sinful words 1, violent oppressor 1, wicked 1, wicked behavior 1, wickedly 1, unjustly 1, unfair 1, sin 1, sinfulness 1, sinner 1, malicious words 1
In AV:iniquity 36, wickedness 7, unrighteousness 3, unjust 2, perverseness 1, unjustly 1, unrighteously 1, wicked 1, wickedly 1, variant 2
Definition:1) injustice, unrighteousness, wrong
1a) violent deeds of injustice
1b) injustice (of speech)
1c) injustice (generally)
or lavel {aw'-vel}; and (feminine) lavlah {av-law'}; or owlah
{o-law'}; or .olah {o-law'}; from 5765; (moral)
evil:-iniquity, perverseness, unjust(-ly),
unrighteousness(-ly); wicked(-ness).
see HEBREW for 05765

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