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NETBible: Strong -- 05714

`Iddow <05714>

wde `Iddow or awde `Iddow' or ayde `Iddiy'

Pronunciation:id-do' id-do' id-dee'
Origin:from 05710
PrtSpch:noun proper masculine
In Hebrew:awde 4, wde 3, *awdel {aydel} 1, ade 1, wdew 1
In NET:Iddo 10
In AV:Iddo 10
Definition:Iddo = "His witness"

1) father of Abinadab, an officer of Solomon
2) grandfather of the prophet Zechariah
3) a Gershonite Levite, son of Joah
4) a priest in the time of Nehemiah
5) a seer in the time of king Jeroboam of the northern kingdom of Israel
6) son of Zechariah, ruler of the tribe of Manasseh in the time of David
7) a chief of the temple slaves who assembled at Casiphia at the
time of the 2nd caravan from Babylon
or iIddowo {id-do'}; or tIddiy {id-dee'}; from 5710; timely;
Iddo (or Iddi), the name of five Israelites:-Iddo. Compare
3035, 3260.
see HEBREW for 05710
see HEBREW for 03035
see HEBREW for 03260
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