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NETBible: Strong -- 05665

`Abed N@gow' (Aramaic) <05665>

wgn dbe `Abed N@gow' (Aramaic)

Pronunciation:ab-ade' neg-o'
Origin:of foreign origin
PrtSpch:noun proper masculine
In Hebrew:wgn 13, awgn 1
In NET:Abednego 14
In AV:Abednego 14
Definition:Abed-nego = "servant of Nebo"

1) the godly friend of Daniel who Nebuchadnezzar renamed Abednego;
one of the three friends who with Daniel refused to make themselves
unclean by eating food from the king's table which went against the
dietary laws which God had given the Jews; also one of the three
who were thrown into the fiery furnace for refusing to bow down to
a graven image of Nebuchadnezzar and who were saved by the angel of
the Lord
1a) also, 'Azariah' (05838
or 05839)
(Aramaic) of foreign origin; Abed-Nego, the name of
in Bible:
Abed-nego (NASB)
Abed-Nego (KJV, TEV)
Abednego (NET, NIV, NRSV)

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