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NETBible: Strong -- 05331

netsach <05331>

xun netsach or xun netsach

Pronunciation:neh'-tsakh nay'-tsakh
Origin:from 05329
Reference:TWOT - 1402a
PrtSpch:noun masculine
In Hebrew:xunl 31, xun 8, Myxun 1, txun 1, xunlh 1, yxun 1, xunhw 1
In NET:forever 14, never 5, permanently 4, continually 2, continue 2, ever 2, permanent 2, Preeminent One 1, again 1, end 1, always 1, endurance 1, keep on 1, perpetually 1, relentlessly 1, permanent heap 1, once for all 1, magnificent 1, sheer delight 1
In AV:ever 24, never 4, perpetual 3, always 2, end 2, victory 2, strength 2, alway 1, constantly 1, evermore 1, never + 03808 1
Definition:1) eminence, perpetuity, strength, victory, enduring, everlastingness
1a) eminence
1b) enduring of life
1c) endurance in time, perpetual, continual, unto the end
1d) everlastingness, ever
or netsach {nay'-tsakh}; from 5329; properly, a goal, i.e.
the bright object at a distance travelled towards; hence
(figuratively), splendor, or (subjectively) truthfulness, or
(objectively) confidence; but usually (adverbially),
continually (i.e. to the most distant point of
view); -alway(-s), constantly, end, (+ n-)ever(more),
perpetual, strength, victory.
see HEBREW for 05329

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