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NETBible: Strong -- 05291

na`arah <05291>

hren na`arah

Origin:from 05288
Reference:TWOT - 1389c
PrtSpch:noun feminime
In Hebrew:hrenh 13, *hrenh {renh} 8, hren 7, renh 6, twren 4, hrenhw 3, hytren 2, Kytwrenl 2, *hrenl {renl} 2, wytwren 2, *hren {ren} 2, hytrenw 2, ytrenw 1, ytren 1, renhw 1, twrenh 1, hytrenl 1, renl 1, twrenb 1, hytwren 1, *hrenlw {renlw} 1, hrenw 1
In NET:young woman 19, female servants 7, girl's 6, young women 5, girl 5, woman 3, young woman's 2, girls 2, each young woman 2, virgin 2, female attendants 2, attendants 1, her 1, young virgin 1, young girls 1, servant girls 1, female workers 1
In AV:damsel 34, maiden 16, maid 7, young 4, young woman 1
Definition:1) girl, damsel, female servant
1a) girl, damsel, little girl
1a1) of young woman, marriageable young woman, concubine,
1b) maid, female attendant, female servant
feminine of 5288; a girl (from infancy to
adolescence):-damsel, maid(-en), young (woman).
see HEBREW for 05288

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