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NETBible: Strong -- 05081

nadiyb <05081>

bydn nadiyb

Origin:from 05068
Reference:TWOT - 1299b
PrtSpch:adjective, noun masculine
In Hebrew:bydn 10, Mybydn 7, ybydn 3, twbydn 2, Mybydnb 2, wmbydn 1, Mybydnw 1, bydnl 1, hbydn 1, bydnw 1
In NET:princes 4, willing 2, nobleman's 2, nobles 2, generous person 1, desire 1, honorable men 1, honorable 1, noblemen 1, ruler 1, princely 1, prince 1, leaders 1
In AV:prince 15, nobles 4, willing 3, free 2, liberal 2, liberal things 2
1) inclined, willing, noble, generous
1a) incited, inclined, willing
1b) noble, princely (in rank)
1c) noble (in mind and character)

n m
2) noble one
from 5068; properly, voluntary, i.e. generous; hence,
magnanimous; as noun, a grandee (sometimes a tyrant):-free,
liberal (things), noble, prince, willing ((hearted)).
see HEBREW for 05068

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