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NETBible: Strong -- 05069

n@dab (Aramaic) <05069>

bdn n@dab (Aramaic)

Origin:corresponding to 05068
Reference:TWOT - 2848
In Hebrew:bdntm 1, wbdnth 1, twbdnth 1, Nybdntm 1
In NET:contributions 1, freely 1, wishes to do so 1
In AV:freely offered 1, freewill offering 1, offering willingly 1, minded of their own freewill 1
Definition:1) to volunteer, offer freely
1a) (Ithpael)
1a1) to volunteer
1a2) to give freely, offer freely
(Aramaic) corresponding to 5068; be (or give)
liberal(-ly):-(be minded of...own) freewill (offering),
offer freely (willingly).
see HEBREW for 05068

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