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NETBible: Strong -- 04740

maqtsowa` <04740>

ewuqm maqtsowa` or euqm maqtsoa` or (fem.) heuqm maqtso`ah

Pronunciation:mak-tso'-ah mak-tso-ah mak-tso-aw'
Origin:from 07106 in the denominative sense of bending
Reference:TWOT - 2057a
PrtSpch:noun masculine
In Hebrew:ewuqmh 4, teuqmh 2, euqmb 2, yewuqm 1, tweuqm 1, euqmh 1, wytweuqmw 1
In NET:corners 5, buttress 4, Angle 1, every corner 1
In AV:corner 7, turning 5
Definition:1) place of corner structure, corner buttress, inner corner-buttress
1a) corner post, buttress-place, buttress
or maqtsoa {mak-tso-ah}; or (feminine) maqtso-ah
{mak-tso-aw'}; from 7106 in the denominative sense of bending;
an angle or recess:-corner, turning.
see HEBREW for 07106
in Bible:
angle (NIV)

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