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NETBible: Strong -- 04616

ma`an <04616>

Nem ma`an

Origin:from 06030
Reference:TWOT - 1650g
In Hebrew:Neml 243, Nemlw 17, yneml 6, Mkneml 4, Knemlh 1, Kneml 1
In NET:that 59, so that 34, so 32, to 14, for the sake 14, because 13, for 11, Then 11, because of 7, For the sake 6, So 5, sake 5, in order to 4, for sake 4, For 3, thereby 2, As a result 2, For my sake 2, for your sake 2, Otherwise 1, thus 1, If 1, until 1, Therefore 1, As result 1, Because of 1, Thus 1, for my sake 1, while 1, on account of 1, if 1, order that 1, by 1, on 1, against 1, teach 1, squeezed 1, This 1
In AV:that, for, to, to the end, because of, lest, to the intent
Definition:1) purpose, intent
1a) for the sake of
1b) in view of, on account of
1c) for the purpose of, to the intent that, in order to
1d) to the end that
from 6030; properly, heed, i.e. purpose; used only
adverbially, on account of (as a motive or an aim),
teleologically, in order that:-because of, to the end
(intent) that, for (to,... 's sake), + lest, that, to.
see HEBREW for 06030

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