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NETBible: Strong -- 04421

milchamah <04421>

hmxlm milchamah

Origin:from 03898 (in the sense of fighting)
Reference:TWOT - 1104c
PrtSpch:noun feminime
In Hebrew:hmxlm 92, hmxlml 70, hmxlmh 69, hmxlmb 38, twmxlm 11, hmxlmw 10, Ktmxlm 4, hmxlmbw 3, hmxlmhw 3, wtmxlm 2, Mtmxlm 2, tmxlm 2, twmxlmw 2, hmxlmm 2, wntmxlm 2, ytmxlm 1, le 1, twmxlmbw 1, hmxlmk 1, htmxlm 1, twmxlmh 1, wytmxlm 1
In NET:battle 140, war 67, fight 15, soldiers 15, attack 11, battles 7, warriors 7, military 6, army 6, attacked 5, warrior 5, fighting 3, armed 3, battle lines 2, warfare 2, weapons 2, troops 2, battle cry 1, Hagrites 1, attackers 1, against 1, Wars 1, defend 1, military campaigns 1, forces 1, soldier 1, warhorse 1, wars 1, enemies 1, do battle 1, charge 1, conflict 1, conquer 1, counterattacked 1, campaign 1
In AV:war 158, battle 151, fight 5, warriors + 06213 2, fighting + 06213 1, war + 0376 1, wars + 0376 1
Definition:1) battle, war
from 3898 (in the sense of fighting); a battle (i.e. the
engagement); generally, war (i.e. warfare):-battle,
fight(-ing), war((-rior)).
see HEBREW for 03898

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