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NETBible: Strong -- 0441

'alluwph <0441>

Pwla 'alluwph or (shortened) Pla 'alluph

Pronunciation:al-loof' al-loof'
Origin:from 0502
Reference:TWOT - 109b
PrtSpch:adjective masculine
In Hebrew:Pwla 48, ypwla 13, ypla 2, wnypwla 1, Mypla 1, Pwlab 1, Mhypwla 1, Plak 1, Mhyplal 1
In NET:chief 4, chiefs 3, close friend 1, close friends 1, cattle 1, companion 1, like 1, leaders 1, husband 1, docile 1, such 1
In AV:duke 57, guide 4, friends 2, governors 2, captains 1, governor 1, ox 2
Definition:1) tame, docile
2) friend, intimate
3) chief
or (shortened) talluph {al-loof'}; from 502; familiar; a
friend, also gentle; hence, a bullock (as being tame; applied,
although masculine, to a cow); and so, a chieftain (as
notable, like neat cattle):-captain, duke, (chief) friend,
governor, guide, ox.
see HEBREW for 0502

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