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NETBible: Strong -- 04191

muwth <04191>

twm muwth

Origin:a primitive root
Reference:TWOT - 1169
In Hebrew:tmyw 134, tm 70, twmy 65, twm 51, tmwy 48, twmt 34, tmw 31, tmh 24, twml 23, tymhl 17, wtm 16, wtmy 16, whtymyw 14, twma 13, Mytmh 12, twmn 12, wtwmy 12, wtmw 11, wtmwy 11, tymh 9, tmtw 9, tmhw 8, tymy 8, wtwmt 7, wtymh 7, wtmyw 7, whtmyw 7, Mytm 7, wtmt 6, wtymhl 6, wntmw 5, ytm 4, htm 4, tmb 4, Ktm 4, Ktyma 4, wntm 3, tml 3, Mtymyw 3, wtwmyw 3, Nwtmt 3, yntymhl 3, Ktymn 2, yntymt 2, whtymt 2, htmhw 2, Mtymnw 2, wntymhl 2, tmt 2, ytmk 2, ytmhw 2, tymt 2, ytwm 2, tmk 2, wntymy 2, wtwmkw 1, Mytmlh 1, wtmys 1, tyma 1, Mytmk 1, whtmh 1, Mtymhl 1, ytwmm 1, wytymhw 1, tmwm 1, whtmnw 1, Ntmhw 1, wntwm 1, tmwt 1, Mytmwmh 1, Mytmml 1, ttwml 1, Mtmhl 1, Mytmhw 1, tmy 1, Ktymhw 1, wntmt 1, hytmhw 1, wtmhl 1, ynttmw 1, yntmhw 1, ytwmb 1, tymhw 1, tmwtw 1, whttymh 1, ttwmt 1, ynttwm 1, Mtymh 1, htwm 1, htmh 1, ytmw 1, whttmyw 1, whttmaw 1, tymhlw 1, *tmwy {twmy} 1, hwtymt 1, Nwtmy 1, Nwtwmt 1, *twmy {tmwy} 1, tmwhw 1, Kytm 1, twmb 1, Mytmm 1, ytwmt 1, Mtmyw 1, Ktymhl 1, yntymh 1, yttm 1, tmaw 1, *Mytmwmh {Myttwmmh} 1, Mytymm 1, hwtymyw 1, Mtmh 1, Mytmb 1, wntymt 1, htmw 1, Nwtwmy 1, ynttwmw 1, tmhh 1, tymm 1, hntwmt 1, ttwmm 1, wtymhlw 1, wtymhw 1, Mtmhw 1, htwma 1, wtmh 1, wntmm 1, tmwh 1, wtymyw 1
In NET:die 214, died 146, dead 98, death 66, kill 54, killed 39, executed 28, dies 26, put to death 14, certainly die 12, surely be put to death 9, execute 7, put death 4, be put to death 4, surely die 4, deserve to die 2, killing 2, dying 2, execution 2, must be put to death 2, must surely be put to death 2, corpses 2, deceased 2, certainly 2, surely be put to 2, certainly kill 2, corpse 1, assassinated 1, Put to anyone 1, eliminated 1, take 1, descendant 1, deceased husbands 1, despaired 1, destroy 1, surely be put to death indeed 1, surely be put to indeed 1, fails to reach 1, illness 1, promise 1, put 1, perished 1, perish 1, ones 1, putting to death 1, slays 1, surely be put 1, stroke 1, strike down 1, strike 1, necromancer 1, murdered 1, immortal 1, gone 1, finished off 1, finish off 1, terminal illness 1, killing him 1, murder 1, mortally 1, mortal 1, lives 1, fatal 1
In AV:die 424, dead 130, slay 100, death 83, surely 50, kill 31, dead man 3, dead body 2, in no wise 2, misc 10
Definition:1) to die, kill, have one executed
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to die
1a2) to die (as penalty), be put to death
1a3) to die, perish (of a nation)
1a4) to die prematurely (by neglect of wise moral conduct)
1b) (Polel) to kill, put to death, dispatch
1c) (Hiphil) to kill, put to death
1d) (Hophal)
1d1) to be killed, be put to death
1d1a) to die prematurely
a primitive root: to die (literally or figuratively);
causatively, to kill:-X at all, X crying, (be) dead (body,
man, one), (put to, worthy of) death, destroy(-er), (cause to,
be like to, must) die, kill, necro(-mancer), X must needs,
slay, X surely, X very suddenly, X in (no) wise.

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