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NETBible: Strong -- 03810

Lo' D@bar <03810>

rbd al Lo' D@bar or rbd wl Low D@bar (\\#2Sa 9:4,5\\) or rbdl Lidbir (\\#Jos 13:26\\) [probably rather rbdl Lod@bar

Pronunciation:lo deb-ar' lo deb-ar' lid-beer' lo-deb-ar']
Origin:from 03808 and 01699
PrtSpch:noun proper locative
In Hebrew:rbd 3
In NET:Lo Debar 3
In AV:Lodebar 3
Definition:Lo-debar = "not a pasture"

1) a town in Manasseh in Gilead east of the Jordan
or Low Dbar (2 Samuel 9:4,5) {lo deb-ar'}; or Lidbir (Joshua
13:26) {lid-beer'}; (probably rather Lodbar {lo-deb-ar'});
from 3808 and 1699; pastureless; Lo-Debar, a place in
Palestine:-Debir, Lo-debar.
see HEBREW for 05
see HEBREW for 03808
see HEBREW for 01699
in Bible:
Lo Debar (NET, NIV)
Lo-Debar (NET, KJV, TEV)
Lo-debar (NASB, NRSV)
Lodebar (NASB)

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