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NETBible: Strong -- 03802

katheph <03802>

Ptk katheph

Origin:from an unused root meaning to clothe
Reference:TWOT - 1059
PrtSpch:noun feminime
In Hebrew:Ptk 29, tptk 7, Ptkm 5, twptk 4, Ptkh 4, Ptkb 3, wyptk 3, Ptkl 2, Ptklw 2, tptkh 1, Ptkw 1, hyptk 1, Ptkbw 1, twptkw 1, Mptkb 1, wypytk 1, yptk 1
In NET:side 22, shoulders 9, slope 8, shoulder pieces 7, shoulder 7, supports 3, boldly turned from 1, beside 1, backs 1, chest 1, arm 1, hills 1, stand 1, turning away stubbornly 1, outside 1, sides 1, flank 1
In AV:side 34, shoulders 22, shoulderpieces 4, undersetters 4, corner 2, arm 1
Definition:1) shoulder, shoulder-blade, side, slope
1a) shoulder, shoulder-blade (of man)
1b) shoulder, shoulder-pieces (of animals)
1c) side, slope (of mountain)
1d) supports (of laver)
from an unused root meaning to clothe; the shoulder (proper,
i.e. upper end of the arm; as being the spot where the
garments hang); figuratively, side-piece or lateral projection
of anything:-arm, corner, shoulder(-piece), side,

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