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NETBible: Strong -- 03789

kathab <03789>

btk kathab

Origin:a primitive root
Reference:TWOT - 1053
In Hebrew:Mybwtk 51, btkyw 25, bwtkk 16, btk 14, bwtk 13, bwtkh 8, btkw 8, hbwtk 6, Mybtk 6, btkt 5, wbtk 5, tbtk 4, bwtkw 4, hbwtkh 4, wbtky 4, Mybtkh 4, Mybwtkh 3, Mbtkyw 3, btky 3, btktw 3, tbtkw 3, Mbtk 2, wbtkyw 2, Mtbtkw 2, btkn 2, ytbtk 2, btkaw 2, btkl 2, hnbtka 1, wl 1, hwbtkyw 1, Mybtkw 1, btknw 1, wbtkb 1, ytbtkw 1, Nwbtkyw 1, Mybtkmw 1, *btk {bwtk} 1, Mbtky 1, Kl 1, wbtkt 1, hbtkk 1, bwtkb 1, hbtk 1, *btka {bwtka} 1, Mybtkb 1, wbtkw 1, twbwtkh 1, Mbtkk 1
In NET:recorded 57, written 34, write 14, wrote 13, prescribed 4, wrote down 3, Write 3, map out 3, signed 2, inscribe 2, spelled out 2, script 2, written down 2, Write down 2, write down 2, writing 2, edict be issued 1, filed 1, included 1, give an account 1, Enroll 1, engraved 1, described 1, consigned 1, Written 1, count 1, decreed 1, divorces 1, draw up 1, mapped 1, required 1, regulations 1, sentenced 1, threatened 1, written recorded 1, writing down 1, registration 1, prepared 1, instructs 1, instituting 1, listed 1, make a map 1, mentioned 1, wrote out 1, inscribed 1
In AV:write 210, describe 7, subscribe 4, recorded 1, write up 1
Definition:1) to write, record, enrol
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to write, inscribe, engrave, write in, write on
1a2) to write down, describe in writing
1a3) to register, enrol, record
1a4) to decree
1b) (Niphal)
1b1) to be written
1b2) to be written down, be recorded, be enrolled
1c) (Piel) to continue writing
a primitive root; to grave, by implication, to write
(describe, inscribe, prescribe, subscribe):-describe, record,
prescribe, subscribe, write(-ing, -ten).

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