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NETBible: Strong -- 03427

yashab <03427>

bvy yashab

Origin:a primitive root
Reference:TWOT - 922
In Hebrew:bsy 115, ybsy 113, bsyw 112, wbsyw 77, bswy 75, wbsy 55, tbsl 40, Mybsyh 33, ybswy 26, ybsyw 25, bst 24, Mybsy 24, bsyh 17, tbswy 16, bstw 12, tbsy 12, tbsyw 11, bswyh 11, wbs 11, hybsy 9, Ktbs 9, Mtbsyw 8, bsa 8, wbst 8, ytbsy 7, bsnw 7, bs 7, hbsyw 6, bsaw 6, hybsyw 6, hbs 6, Mybswy 6, tbs 6, ybs 6, bswyl 5, ybswyl 5, tbswyh 5, wbsw 5, wbstw 4, wybsy 4, bsw 4, bswyw 4, tbswn 3, Ktbsb 3, wnbsy 3, hbsaw 3, twbsy 3, Ktbsl 3, ybsybw 2, tbsb 2, ytbswhw 2, hybswy 2, ynbyswh 2, hbsy 2, ybst 2, Mtbs 2, ybswym 2, ybswylw 2, Mybswyhw 2, Mybswyh 2, bsn 2, Mbysyw 2, Nhybsyw 2, tbsm 2, ytbs 2, wtbsk 2, *tbsy {ytbsy} 2, wbyswhw 2, Ktbsw 2, Mybsyw 2, wbysh 2, Mtbsy 2, Mtbswhw 1, ybsw 1, Mytbshw 1, Mwbsyw 1, ybsyl 1, Kytbswhw 1, wbyshw 1, ybsylw 1, wnbsyw 1, ybswyb 1, ybswyw 1, byshl 1, byswm 1, Mybsyl 1, bswym 1, *ybsy {bsy} 1, wybswylw 1, ybsym 1, wntbsl 1, ytbsb 1, Mtbsb 1, *ybsy {wbsy} 1, bsyb 1, wbyswyw 1, bswh 1, wbystw 1, ynbyswt 1, ytbswh 1, wtbsl 1, wtbsb 1, wbyswy 1, *wbswn {hbswn} 1, *tbswy {ytbswy} 1, *ynbyswyw {ynybyswyw} 1, *tbsyh {ytbsyh} 1, bswtw 1, Mytbswhw 1, byshh 1, bsyhw 1, ytbsw 1, ybyswhl 1, ytbsyw 1, htbsyw 1, Mhybsyw 1, hbswn 1, Mybsyhw 1, htbs 1, twbswnh 1, *hnbst {hnbsyt} 1, Kbyswa 1, tbsh 1, *wbsyw {ybsyw} 1, wbyshh 1, ybyswm 1, bswt 1, byswhl 1, *ybsw {ybsy} 1, ytbsl 1, wbswn 1, wbsnw 1, hbsyh 1, wybswy 1, wntbsb 1, wtbs 1, Mktbsb 1, ybsyh 1
In NET:live 122, lived 63, living 45, inhabitants 42, residents 34, sitting 30, sit 21, sat 21, stay 21, sat down 18, stayed 14, sits 14, settled 14, citizens 12, lives 12, live in 11, people 10, remain 9, lived in 9, dwelling 8, Stay 8, settle 8, inhabited 7, rule 6, uninhabited 6, living in 5, occupied 5, inhabit 4, seat 4, settle down 4, settled down 4, sit down 3, ruler 3, men 3, occupy 3, reside 3, staying 3, people living 3, married 3, Residents 3, kept 2, people who inhabit 2, ruling 2, left 2, remained 2, secure 2, capital 2, dwell 2, deserted 2, Settle down 2, Sit 2, back 2, enthroned 2, Sit down 2, seated 2, Live 2, act 1, Take up refuge 1, Stay put 1, Wait for 1, located 1, marrying 1, meet 1, Find 1, make camps 1, Live in 1, and 1, associate 1, inhabitable 1, down 1, expected 1, fill 1, follow 1, housed in 1, dispossessed 1, crouching 1, armrests 1, live in it 1, follows 1, leaders 1, come home 1, join 1, live securely 1, pitched 1, sitting on 1, sits enthroned 1, spend time 1, stationed 1, stopped 1, sit up 1, sit on 1, settling 1, settles 1, settling in 1, sit enthroned 1, sit in 1, succeeded 1, successor 1, vanished 1, unpopulated 1, visiting 1, waited for 1, waits 1, took over 1, thrones 1, take up residence 1, taking 1, them 1, those in 1, settled in 1, set up quarters 1, you who live in 1, people who lived in 1, plot 1, populate 1, populated 1, people who live in 1, people Israel 1, named to succeed 1, moved 1, occupies 1, occupying 1, one 1, population 1, puts 1, rules 1, rulers 1, sat up 1, seats 1, set up 1, residing 1, reside in 1, refuge 1, reigned 1, relieve yourself 1, remains in 1, mounted 1
In AV:dwell 437, inhabitant 221, sit 172, abide 70, inhabit 39, down 26, remain 23, in 22, tarry 19, set 14, continue 5, place 7, still 5, taken 5, misc 23
Definition:1) to dwell, remain, sit, abide
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to sit, sit down
1a2) to be set
1a3) to remain, stay
1a4) to dwell, have one's abode
1b) (Niphal) to be inhabited
1c) (Piel) to set, place
1d) (Hiphil)
1d1) to cause to sit
1d2) to cause to abide, set
1d3) to cause to dwell
1d4) to cause (cities) to be inhabited
1d5) to marry (give an dwelling to)
1e) (Hophal)
1e1) to be inhabited
1e2) to make to dwell
a primitive root; properly, to sit down (specifically as
judge. in ambush, in quiet); by implication, to dwell, to
remain; causatively, to settle, to marry:-(make to)
abide(-ing), continue, (cause to, make to) dwell(-ing), ease
self, endure, establish, X fail, habitation, haunt, (make to)
inhabit(-ant), make to keep (house), lurking, X marry(-ing),
(bring again to) place, remain, return, seat, set(- tle),
(down-)sit(-down, still, -ting down, -ting (place) -uate),
take, tarry.

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