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NETBible: Strong -- 02672

chatsab <02672>

bux chatsab or bux chatseb

Pronunciation:khaw-tsab' khaw-tsabe'
Origin:a primitive root
Reference:TWOT - 718
In Hebrew:bux 5, Mybux 3, Mybwux 2, tbux 2, ybuxlw 1, Nwbuxy 1, tbuxmh 1, hbux 1, buxl 1, bwuxl 1, buxh 1, ytbux 1, buxt 1, buxyw 1, ybux 1, Mybuxl 1, Mtbux 1
In NET:stonecutters 7, dug 3, chisels 1, chiseled 1, constructed 1, chisel out 1, carpenters 1, carved out 1, dig 1, engraved 1, smash 1, strikes 1, mine 1, masons 1, hewn out 1, wields 1
In AV:dig 5, hew 4, hewers 4, hew out 4, mason 3, cut 1, divideth 1, graven 1, hewn 1, made 1
Definition:1) to dig, cleave, divide, hew, make, cut out, dig out, cut down,
quarry, hewer, mason
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to hew out, dig
1a2) to hew
1a2a) stone
1a2b) wood
1a3) to hew in pieces (metaph.)
1a4) to divide, cleave
1b) (Niphal) to be cut, be hewn, be engraved
1c) (Hiphil) to hew into pieces, cut up into pieces
1d) (Pual) to be cut from, be hewn from
or chatseb {khaw-tsabe'}; a primitive root ; to cut or carve
(wood), stone or other material); by implication, to hew,
split, square, quarry, engrave:-cut, dig, divide, grave, hew
(out, -er), made, mason.

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