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NETBible: Strong -- 02620

chacah <02620>

hox chacah

Origin:a primitive root
Reference:TWOT - 700
In Hebrew:ytyox 8, hoxa 4, Myoxh 3, twoxl 3, yowx 2, wox 2, hoxw 2, Myoxl 2, hoxy 1, woxy 1, wyox 1, Nwyoxy 1, twoxlw 1, hyox 1, howxhw 1, Myowx 1, yox 1, hoxt 1, woxw 1
In NET:take shelter 6, taken shelter 4, find safety 4, shelter 3, finds shelter 1, find shelter 1, look to you for protection 1, protection 1, seek protection 1, refuge 1, looks for help 1, looking for safety 1
In AV:to trust 35, to make a refuge 1, have hope 1
Definition:1) (Qal) to seek refuge, flee for protection
1a) to put trust in (God), confide or hope in (God) (fig.)
a primitive root; to flee for protection (compare 982);
figuratively, to confide in:-have hope, make refuge, (put)
see HEBREW for 0982

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