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NETBible: Strong -- 02421

chayah <02421>

hyx chayah

Origin:a primitive root [compare 02331]
Reference:TWOT - 644
In Hebrew:yxyw 47, hyxy 34, hyxt 12, yxy 11, wyxw 10, wyxy 9, hyx 9, ynyx 9, hyxnw 8, hyxw 7, wyx 6, hyxh 6, hyxa 5, hyxaw 4, twyxhl 4, yxtw 4, hyxn 3, ynyxt 3, htyxw 3, Nwyxt 3, yxw 3, wyxt 3, Mtyyxw 3, twyxhlw 3, *hyxw {hyxy} 2, Nyyxtw 2, yxt 2, hyxah 2, wnyxt 2, yyx 2, yntyyx 2, tyxhl 2, hnyyxt 2, wnyxy 2, wyxyw 2, twyxl 2, hyxyh 1, *ynyyxt {wnyyxt} 1, wtyxhl 1, whyyx 1, Mtyyxh 1, Mtwyxl 1, wtyxl 1, wyxh 1, hyxhw 1, hnkl 1, hnyyxth 1, Mtyxhw 1, Mtyxh 1, yyxt 1, wyxyh 1, Mtwyxlw 1, yntyx 1, wntyxl 1, Mtwyx 1, hyxmw 1, hyxm 1, whyxyw 1, ynyxhw 1, twyxlw 1, wntyxh 1, ytyyxh 1, tyyxw 1, hyxyw 1
In NET:live 56, lived 8, lives 7, spared 5, life 5, brought back to life 4, certainly live 4, revive 4, preserve 4, come back to life 2, survive 2, surely live 2, surely recover 2, get well 2, recover 2, certainly 2, spare 2, revived 2, Live 2, Revive 2, Long 2, alive 2, well 1, go on living 1, give life 1, healed 1, allow living 1, death 1, encourage 1, cheer up 1, surrender 1, repeat those deeds 1, recovered 1, rescued 1, restore 1, revives 1, restore life 1, raised 1, preserved 1, saved alive 1, kept alive 1, sparing 1, plant 1, preserve life 1, would surely 1, keep alive 1
In AV:live 153, alive 34, save 13, quicken 14, revive 12, surely 10, life 9, recover 8, misc 9
Definition:1) to live, have life, remain alive, sustain life, live prosperously,
live for ever, be quickened, be alive, be restored to life or health
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to live
1a1a) to have life
1a1b) to continue in life, remain alive
1a1c) to sustain life, to live on or upon
1a1d) to live (prosperously)
1a2) to revive, be quickened
1a2a) from sickness
1a2b) from discouragement
1a2c) from faintness
1a2d) from death
1b) (Piel)
1b1) to preserve alive, let live
1b2) to give life
1b3) to quicken, revive, refresh
1b3a) to restore to life
1b3b) to cause to grow
1b3c) to restore
1b3d) to revive
1c) (Hiphil)
1c1) to preserve alive, let live
1c2) to quicken, revive
1c2a) to restore (to health)
1c2b) to revive
1c2c) to restore to life
a primitive root (compare 2331, 2421); to live, whether
literally or figuratively; causatively, to revive:-keep
(leave, make) alive, X certainly, give (promise) life, (let,
suffer to) live, nourish up, preserve (alive), quicken,
recover, repair, restore (to life), revive, (X God) save
(alive, life, lives), X surely, be whole.
see HEBREW for 02331
see HEBREW for 02421

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