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NETBible: Strong -- 02026

harag <02026>

grh harag

Origin:a primitive root
Reference:TWOT - 514
In Hebrew:wgrh 22, grh 17, grhyw 15, grhl 9, grhy 7, tgrh 6, Kgrhl 4, whgrhyw 4, wgrhyw 4, yngrhw 4, ytgrh 4, Mgrhyw 3, grhb 3, grht 3, grhw 3, wgrhy 2, gwrhl 2, wgrhw 2, wgrht 2, yngrhy 2, Mygrh 2, Mgrht 2, wgrhtw 2, whgrhaw 2, Kytgrh 2, Mwngrhw 1, Mygrhl 1, Mygwrhb 1, Ngrhy 1, ytgrhw 1, wngrht 1, whngrhw 1, whgrht 1, hygrh 1, ygrh 1, Mytgrh 1, Mwgrh 1, grhlw 1, wngrh 1, Mygwrh 1, grwh 1, gwrha 1, whgrhnw 1, wngrhl 1, tgrhw 1, Mtgrh 1, yntgrh 1, Mygwrhh 1, hygwrh 1, hngrht 1, grha 1, ynwgrhw 1, grhn 1, yngrh 1, Mwgrhw 1, Mgrh 1, wygrh 1, Kgrh 1, Mtgrhw 1, hgrhaw 1, yngrhlh 1, wgrhl 1, whtgrh 1, Mwgrhyw 1
In NET:killed 45, kill 40, murdered 5, slaughter 5, killing 3, slain 3, kills 3, Kill 2, struck down 2, put to death 2, slaughtered 2, kill immediately 2, destroy 1, corpses 1, execute 1, destroyed 1, die 1, murder 1, strike 1, when killing 1, murdering 1, murderers 1, wipe out 1, executioner 1
In AV:slay 100, kill 24, kill... 3, murderer 2, destroyed 1, murder 1, out of hand 1, made 1, put 1, slain 31, slayer 1, surely 1
Definition:1) to kill, slay, murder, destroy, murderer, slayer, out of hand
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to kill, slay
1a2) to destroy, ruin
1b) (Niphal) to be killed
1c) (Pual) to be killed, be slain
a primitive root; to smite with deadly intent:-destroy, out
of hand, kill, murder(-er), put to (death), make (slaughter),
slay(-er), X surely.

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