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NETBible: Strong -- 01964

heykal <01964>

lkyh heykal

Origin:probably from 03201 (in the sense of capacity)
Reference:TWOT - 493
PrtSpch:noun masculine
In Hebrew:lkyh 24, lkyhh 15, lkyhb 14, lkyhl 4, lkyhm 3, wlkyh 3, lkyhhw 2, Klkyh 2, wlkyhb 2, wlkyhm 2, lkyhw 2, ylkyhb 2, ylkyh 1, twlkyh 1, Klkyhm 1, Mkylkyhl 1, wlkyhbw 1
In NET:temple 50, palace 9, outer sanctuary 7, main hall 6, palaces 5, royal palace 1, royal service 1, temple's main hall 1
In AV:temple 70, palace 10
Definition:1) palace, temple, nave, sanctuary
1a) palace
1b) temple (palace of God as king)
1c) hall, nave (of Ezekiel's temple)
1d) temple (of heavenly temple)
probably from 3201 (in the sense of capacity); a large public
building, such as a palace or temple:-palace, temple.
see HEBREW for 03201

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