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NETBible: Strong -- 01696

dabar <01696>

rbd dabar

Origin:a primitive root
Reference:TWOT - 399
In Hebrew:rbd 334, rbdyw 193, ytrbd 73, rbdl 56, rbdy 45, trbd 41, wrbd 38, rbda 36, rbdm 34, wrbdyw 32, rbdw 29, rbdt 27, wrbdy 24, trbdw 20, rbdtw 19, hrbdaw 13, rbdh 12, hrbda 9, yrbd 7, rbdaw 6, ytrbdw 6, wrbdb 6, rbdk 5, trbdm 4, Mtrbd 4, wrbdt 4, wnrbd 4, rbdmh 4, wrbdbw 3, hrbd 3, wrbdw 3, hnrbdtw 3, Mtrbdw 3, rbdmw 2, hnrbdt 2, wrbdn 2, Mrbdb 2, Mkrbd 2, Nwrbdt 2, Myrbdm 2, rbdb 2, rbdn 2, yrbdt 2, Myrbdmh 2, *ytrbd {ytrbd} 1, Mkrbdk 1, twrbdh 1, rbdys 1, wrbdkw 1, Krbd 1, Mkrbdb 1, *wrbdyw {rbdyw} 1, Krbdb 1, twrbdm 1, yrbdbw 1, wnrbdn 1, yrbwd 1, rbdlw 1, Mtrma 1, Mrbdyw 1, Myrbdhw 1, rbdbw 1, Myrbdnh 1, hrbdk 1, yrbdb 1, Myrbd 1
In NET:speak 107, said 73, spoke 63, spoken 51, told 36, promised 29, say 29, speaking 29, Tell 21, tell 17, made 13, Speak 13, speaks 12, threatened 11, says 9, announced 9, saying 8, talking 6, warned 6, talk 5, decreed 4, make 3, declare 3, discussed 3, lie 3, tells 3, replied 3, Say 3, telling 3, talked 3, praying 3, instructed 3, word 3, predict 2, produced manuals 2, predicted 2, mentioned 2, makes 2, commanded 2, ask 2, answer 2, advised 2, Instruct 2, asked 2, bless 2, encouraged 2, decided 2, counseled 2, promise you made 2, followed 2, ordered 2, sang 2, requested 2, speak well 2, stated 2, utter 2, prophesied 2, reported 2, pronounce 2, concern 1, confirmed 1, speak out 1, command 1, brought to fulfillment 1, calling down 1, captain 1, confront 1, sing 1, decree 1, reporting 1, deliver 1, declared 1, predetermined 1, promote 1, deceive 1, convince 1, speech 1, proclaiming 1, told me 1, Speak out 1, Liars 1, Issue 1, Give 1, wish 1, threaten 1, thought 1, present 1, answered 1, spoke out 1, announces 1, stir up 1, affirm 1, announce 1, departed 1, describe 1, rebuke 1, quoted 1, makes announcement 1, recited 1, lied 1, lamented 1, recommend 1, making 1, me 1, passed 1, pleading 1, pledged 1, pass on 1, pass 1, put in a good word 1, prophesy 1, intended 1, related 1, do 1, report 1, explain 1, dissuade 1, promising 1, described 1, disclosed 1, expressed 1, reply 1, giving 1, heard 1, informed 1, give encouragement 1, gave warning 1, friendly 1, fulfilled the word 1, plot against 1
In AV:speak 840, say 118, talk 46, promise 31, tell 25, commune 20, pronounce 14, utter 7, command 4 misc 38
Definition:1) to speak, declare, converse, command, promise, warn, threaten, sing
1a) (Qal) to speak
1b) (Niphal) to speak with one another, talk
1c) (Piel)
1c1) to speak
1c2) to promise
1d) (Pual) to be spoken
1e) (Hithpael) to speak
1f) (Hiphil) to lead away, put to flight
a primitive root; perhaps properly, to arrange; but used
figuratively (of words), to speak; rarely (in a destructive
sense) to subdue:-answer, appoint, bid, command, commune,
declare, destroy, give, name, promise, pronounce, rehearse,
say, speak, be spokesman, subdue, talk, teach, tell, think,
use (entreaties), utter, X well, X work.

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