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NETBible: Strong -- 01644

garash <01644>

vrg garash

Origin:a primitive root
Reference:TWOT - 388
In Hebrew:srgyw 7, srg 4, hswrgw 4, wnsrga 2, wsrgyw 2, Msrgy 1, wmtsrgw 1, wytsrgw 1, ynwsrgtw 1, whsrgyw 1, hsrgnw 1, srgy 1, ytsrgw 1, srgtw 1, ynwsrg 1, srgt 1, ytsrgn 1, tsrg 1, wsrg 1, hswrg 1, srga 1, srgl 1, srgn 1, Nwsrgt 1, hsrgw 1, srgaw 1, wnsrgl 1, whtsrg 1, hwsrgy 1, Mwsrgyw 1, wnsrgaw 1, wsrgy 1, Msrga 1
In NET:drive out 8, drove out 4, divorced 4, drive out completely 2, driven out 2, banished 2, driven away 1, divorcee 1, Drive 1, drove 1, surge upward 1, surging 1, thrust out 1, send away 1, out 1, toss up 1, evict 1, driving off 1
In AV:drive out 20, cast out 8, thrust out 6, drive away 2, put away 2, divorced 2, driven 1, expel 1, drive forth 1, surely 1, troubled 1, cast up 1, divorced woman 1
Definition:1) to drive out, expel, cast out, drive away, divorce, put away,
thrust away, trouble, cast up
1a) (Qal) to thrust out, cast out
1b) (Niphal) to be driven away, be tossed
1c) (Piel) to drive out, drive away
1d) (Pual) to be thrust out
a primitive root; to drive out from a possession; especially
to expatriate or divorce:-cast up (out), divorced (woman),
drive away (forth, out), expel, X surely put away, trouble,
thrust out.

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