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NETBible: Strong -- 01448

g@derah <01448>

hrdg g@derah

Origin:from 01447
Reference:TWOT - 318b
PrtSpch:noun feminime
In Hebrew:twrdgb 2, trdgw 2, trdg 1, trdgh 1, hrdg 1, twrdg 1, twrdgw 1, wytrdg 1
In NET:pens 3, walls 2, wall 2, covered with gashes 1, sheepfolds 1, folds 1
In AV:hedge 4, fold 3, wall 1, sheepfold 1, sheepcote 1
Definition:1) wall, hedge
2) sheepfold (construct with 'sheep')
feminine of 1447; enclosure (especially for
flocks):-(sheep-) cote (fold) hedge, wall.
see HEBREW for 01447

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