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NETBible: Strong -- 01028

Beyth ha-Ran <01028>

Nrh tyb Beyth ha-Ran

Pronunciation:bayth haw-rawn'
Origin:probably for 01027
PrtSpch:noun proper locative
In Hebrew:Nrh 1
In NET:Beth Haran 1
In AV:Bethharan 1
Definition:Beth-haran = "house of their mount: house of the joyful shouter"

1) a place in Gad, possibly "Beth Harran", one hour east of Jordan,
opposite Jericho
probably for 1027; Beth-ha-Ram, a place East of the
see HEBREW for 01027
in Bible:
Beth Haran (NET, NIV)
Beth-Haran (KJV, TEV)
Beth-haran (NASB, NRSV)

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