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Results 1 - 782 of 782 for net_strict_index:do AND book:[40 TO 66] (0.002 seconds)
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Your search "net_strict_index:do AND book:[40 TO 66]" was found 782 times in the NETBible text. Below is a complete listing of each and every occurence, split into Bible Books. Click on any verse, or [ALL], to see the selected (or all) reference(s).

Eph: 1:16 [ALL]
1Co: 9:17 [ALL]
3Jo: 1:13 [ALL]
Rom: 14:10 [ALL]
2Jo: 1:12 [ALL]
2Co: 11:12 [ALL]
Luk: 7:6 [ALL]
Col: 2:21 [ALL]
Rom: 7:19 [ALL]
1Th: 5:19 [ALL]
Mat: 23:3 [ALL]
Mar: 10:19 [ALL]
1Co: 12:30 [ALL]
Mat: 19:18 [ALL]
Luk: 18:20 [ALL]
Joh: 5:41 16:31 [ALL]
Eph: 4:27 5:7 [ALL]
Phi: 2:14 [ALL]
1Th: 5:20 [ALL]
Mat: 20:32 [ALL]
Mar: 10:36 [ALL]
Luk: 6:46 18:41 [ALL]
Joh: 10:37 17:16 [ALL]
2Co: 11:11 [ALL]
Mat: 5:47 13:13 [ALL]
Luk: 6:33 [ALL]
Rom: 7:15 [ALL]
Jam: 4:2 [ALL]
Mat: 7:1 10:9 [ALL]
Mar: 8:21 [ALL]
Joh: 6:43 16:9 [ALL]
Rom: 12:14 13:9 [ALL]
1Co: 9:4 14:40 15:33 16:14 [ALL]
Jam: 1:16 2:11 [ALL]
Mat: 6:3 [ALL]
Luk: 12:26 [ALL]
Joh: 5:38 [ALL]
Rom: 2:21 2:22 12:16 [ALL]
1Co: 5:12 10:31 [ALL]
Eph: 4:26 [ALL]
Heb: 13:16 [ALL]
Jam: 4:17 [ALL]
Mat: 6:2 [ALL]
Joh: 8:55 [ALL]
Rom: 2:14 12:8 [ALL]
Mat: 5:46 6:20 6:28 10:5 26:50 [ALL]
Mar: 10:51 15:12 [ALL]
Luk: 6:37 12:4 12:29 [ALL]
Joh: 8:11 9:25 10:25 13:27 15:21 [ALL]
Act: 18:9 [ALL]
Rom: 2:3 2:4 7:18 7:20 11:18 13:3 [ALL]
1Co: 6:9 7:16 8:8 12:21 [ALL]
2Co: 3:1 6:14 [ALL]
Col: 3:17 [ALL]
2Th: 1:8 [ALL]
Jam: 4:1 [ALL]
1Jo: 2:21 [ALL]
2Jo: 1:10 [ALL]
Mat: 5:27 6:8 6:13 6:15 9:4 10:31 13:10 13:58 14:27 15:3 16:15 17:7 21:40 24:42 25:12 25:13 26:72 [ALL]
Mar: 4:40 7:12 8:5 8:26 13:33 14:63 [ALL]
Luk: 3:10 9:40 10:26 10:28 18:18 22:9 [ALL]
Joh: 1:26 2:5 3:7 5:34 5:42 5:47 6:6 6:20 6:28 6:36 7:24 7:49 8:15 8:45 9:33 11:26 13:13 13:17 14:1 14:14 15:14 16:3 17:4 18:29 [ALL]
Act: 1:1 4:28 9:6 16:28 16:30 19:36 21:22 21:23 23:4 26:8 26:27 [ALL]
Rom: 3:31 4:21 6:12 12:11 12:17 12:21 14:16 16:21 [ALL]
1Co: 6:3 6:6 6:8 7:23 9:6 9:26 10:10 10:24 10:32 12:1 [ALL]
2Co: 10:3 13:8 [ALL]
Gal: 4:21 [ALL]
Eph: 5:11 5:12 5:18 [ALL]
Phi: 4:13 [ALL]
Col: 3:19 3:21 [ALL]
1Th: 4:5 5:24 [ALL]
2Th: 2:17 3:13 3:15 [ALL]
Heb: 6:3 10:35 13:2 [ALL]
Jam: 2:7 [ALL]
1Pe: 2:14 5:3 [ALL]
1Jo: 3:13 [ALL]
Mat: 9:28 17:25 24:26 25:45 [ALL]
Luk: 6:9 [ALL]
Joh: 5:30 9:21 9:27 10:38 14:27 17:14 21:15 [ALL]
Act: 22:10 [ALL]
1Co: 4:7 9:16 [ALL]
Phm: 1:21 [ALL]
Heb: 7:27 [ALL]
Rev: 2:5 22:9 [ALL]
Mat: 5:36 5:42 6:19 6:34 12:12 13:28 15:34 17:10 19:16 19:20 22:17 22:42 23:5 24:23 27:21 [ALL]
Mar: 5:36 8:29 9:11 10:18 11:28 13:21 15:9 [ALL]
Luk: 1:30 3:12 5:31 6:11 6:27 7:4 7:13 8:50 9:20 9:50 10:4 10:10 10:20 12:17 12:32 12:51 18:19 19:48 20:8 22:23 22:71 24:38 [ALL]
Joh: 4:22 6:67 8:5 9:26 9:29 12:15 13:7 13:15 14:13 18:21 21:5 [ALL]
Act: 7:28 24:16 [ALL]
Rom: 2:8 6:3 7:16 7:21 8:25 11:20 14:1 14:21 [ALL]
1Co: 1:7 1:16 3:16 6:4 9:23 11:16 14:39 [ALL]
2Co: 4:1 4:5 10:9 11:29 [ALL]
Gal: 2:10 6:7 [ALL]
Eph: 4:30 5:17 6:4 [ALL]
Phi: 1:16 [ALL]
Col: 3:9 [ALL]
1Ti: 2:12 5:1 5:19 5:22 6:18 [ALL]
2Ti: 4:5 [ALL]
Tit: 2:9 [ALL]
Phm: 1:8 [ALL]
Heb: 2:1 3:8 10:36 11:1 [ALL]
Jam: 1:22 2:1 3:14 4:3 4:15 [ALL]
1Pe: 1:14 3:11 4:16 [ALL]
2Pe: 2:11 [ALL]
1Jo: 5:3 [ALL]
2Jo: 1:8 [ALL]
3Jo: 1:5 [ALL]
Rev: 2:6 [ALL]
2Co: 1:17 [ALL]
Mat: 5:15 5:17 5:21 5:33 5:34 5:39 6:7 7:3 7:26 9:12 9:14 10:26 10:34 12:2 12:27 15:2 15:12 16:9 16:13 17:9 18:19 18:35 19:14 20:15 21:24 21:28 24:44 26:53 26:65 26:74 27:17 27:22 28:5 28:10 [ALL]
Mar: 1:38 3:4 4:17 5:7 6:5 6:38 6:50 7:3 7:5 7:13 7:36 8:27 9:22 9:39 10:35 11:29 12:9 13:2 13:7 13:35 14:7 14:71 [ALL]
Luk: 2:10 3:11 5:30 5:33 6:30 6:41 8:21 8:49 9:3 9:5 9:18 9:54 10:7 10:25 10:36 10:37 11:4 11:19 12:7 12:11 12:18 12:22 12:24 12:27 12:40 12:47 13:2 16:4 16:5 16:31 17:23 19:13 19:14 20:13 20:15 21:9 23:28 24:5 24:41 [ALL]
Joh: 1:22 1:48 1:50 2:16 3:11 4:11 4:34 5:28 5:43 5:45 6:30 6:38 7:17 7:19 7:26 8:16 8:29 8:40 8:53 9:35 10:5 10:20 10:36 11:50 12:19 13:8 14:7 14:11 16:18 16:26 16:30 19:9 19:10 20:13 21:16 [ALL]
Act: 1:4 2:37 4:7 4:25 5:35 7:60 8:30 16:7 20:10 22:26 24:27 25:3 25:9 26:9 27:24 [ALL]
Rom: 1:28 2:13 3:8 8:4 8:7 10:6 11:2 11:23 12:19 14:23 [ALL]
1Co: 2:6 4:3 4:12 4:15 4:21 6:15 6:16 7:9 7:21 9:5 9:24 9:25 10:1 10:7 10:20 10:28 10:29 11:17 11:24 12:17 12:24 12:29 13:1 13:3 14:11 14:20 15:29 16:7 [ALL]
2Co: 1:13 1:24 4:16 6:3 8:11 8:13 11:17 12:3 [ALL]
Gal: 2:21 5:1 5:13 6:9 6:10 6:13 [ALL]
Eph: 2:10 3:20 4:17 [ALL]
Phi: 3:3 4:6 4:9 4:17 [ALL]
Col: 2:16 2:20 [ALL]
1Th: 3:12 [ALL]
2Th: 2:7 3:4 3:9 3:14 [ALL]
1Ti: 1:7 1:19 4:14 5:11 5:18 [ALL]
2Ti: 1:13 2:26 [ALL]
Tit: 3:12 [ALL]
Phm: 1:14 [ALL]
Heb: 3:15 10:7 10:9 12:5 12:8 13:6 13:21 [ALL]
Jam: 4:5 4:13 4:14 5:9 [ALL]
1Pe: 2:7 2:8 2:11 3:6 3:9 3:14 4:4 4:12 4:19 [ALL]
2Pe: 1:20 [ALL]
1Jo: 1:8 2:15 3:22 4:1 [ALL]
3Jo: 1:6 [ALL]
Jud: 1:10 [ALL]
Rev: 3:17 7:3 22:10 [ALL]
Mat: 5:19 21:21 [ALL]
Joh: 14:10 21:17 [ALL]
Act: 23:21 [ALL]
Rom: 4:17 [ALL]
2Co: 13:7 [ALL]
Rev: 2:24 19:10 [ALL]
Mat: 6:5 6:16 6:25 6:26 7:6 7:22 8:4 8:9 10:19 10:28 18:10 18:12 19:17 20:21 21:16 24:2 26:17 27:19 [ALL]
Mar: 1:44 2:17 2:18 2:19 5:19 7:4 8:17 8:23 9:18 10:14 10:17 13:11 14:12 16:6 [ALL]
Luk: 1:13 2:27 3:14 4:23 4:43 5:10 6:29 6:35 7:8 8:28 11:7 12:33 13:4 14:8 16:3 16:7 16:26 17:10 18:16 21:8 22:19 [ALL]
Joh: 1:38 3:2 3:8 4:27 4:42 5:6 5:19 6:27 6:64 8:14 8:19 8:28 9:17 9:39 10:16 11:56 12:47 13:12 15:19 16:7 18:39 19:21 20:17 20:27 [ALL]
Act: 1:11 3:6 3:12 4:16 7:40 13:22 13:25 13:46 15:29 20:24 21:37 23:3 [ALL]
Rom: 1:32 6:13 6:16 7:1 8:3 8:26 11:25 12:2 13:4 13:11 14:15 14:20 15:27 16:18 [ALL]
1Co: 4:5 6:2 6:13 6:19 7:5 7:36 9:9 10:33 11:25 13:2 14:9 14:15 15:58 [ALL]
2Co: 1:8 4:4 4:14 5:4 5:16 7:3 7:8 10:7 10:15 11:16 12:2 12:11 12:19 13:5 [ALL]
Gal: 4:9 5:17 6:12 [ALL]
Eph: 6:6 [ALL]
Phi: 3:13 4:10 [ALL]
1Th: 1:8 4:10 4:13 [ALL]
2Ti: 1:3 1:8 [ALL]
Tit: 2:14 [ALL]
Heb: 2:8 4:7 4:15 10:29 13:9 13:17 [ALL]
Jam: 2:3 2:16 4:4 5:12 [ALL]
1Pe: 1:8 2:20 3:12 3:16 4:3 [ALL]
2Pe: 2:12 3:8 3:16 3:17 [ALL]
1Jo: 4:18 [ALL]
2Jo: 1:7 [ALL]
3Jo: 1:11 [ALL]
Rev: 1:17 3:3 10:4 11:2 19:19 22:11 [ALL]
Mat: 1:20 22:16 27:24 [ALL]
Mar: 12:14 [ALL]
Luk: 7:44 10:40 [ALL]
Joh: 7:28 8:44 21:18 [ALL]
Act: 16:18 [ALL]
Rom: 1:13 7:7 [ALL]
1Co: 5:11 11:22 14:26 [ALL]
2Co: 9:5 11:9 12:14 [ALL]
1Th: 4:1 [ALL]
2Ti: 1:12 [ALL]
Jam: 4:11 [ALL]
1Pe: 4:11 [ALL]
2Pe: 1:19 [ALL]
1Jo: 2:19 5:16 [ALL]
3Jo: 1:10 [ALL]
Rev: 2:10 6:6 [ALL]

TIP #25: What tip would you like to see included here? Click "To report a problem/suggestion" on the bottom of page and tell us. [ALL]
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