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(0.09)Mat 6:30

And if this is how God clothes the wild grass, 1  which is here today and tomorrow is tossed into the fire to heat the oven, 2  won’t he clothe you even more, 3  you people of little faith?

(0.09)Mat 7:25

The rain fell, the flood 1  came, and the winds beat against that house, but it did not collapse because it had been founded on rock.

(0.09)Mat 8:4

Then Jesus said to him, “See that you do not speak to anyone, 1  but go, show yourself to a priest, and bring the offering 2  that Moses commanded, 3  as a testimony to them.” 4 

(0.09)Mat 8:8

But the centurion replied, 1  “Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof. Instead, just say the word and my servant will be healed.

(0.09)Mat 9:2

Just then 1  some people 2  brought to him a paralytic lying on a stretcher. 3  When Jesus saw their 4  faith, he said to the paralytic, “Have courage, son! Your sins are forgiven.” 5 

(0.09)Mat 9:6

But so that you may know 1  that the Son of Man 2  has authority on earth to forgive sins” – then he said to the paralytic 3  – “Stand up, take your stretcher, and go home.” 4 

(0.09)Mat 9:9

As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax booth. 1  “Follow me,” he said to him. And he got up and followed him.

(0.09)Mat 9:15

Jesus said to them, “The wedding guests 1  cannot mourn while the bridegroom 2  is with them, can they? But the days 3  are coming when the bridegroom will be taken from them, 4  and then they will fast.

(0.09)Mat 11:19

The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Look at him, 1  a glutton and a drunk, a friend of tax collectors 2  and sinners!’ 3  But wisdom is vindicated 4  by her deeds.” 5 

(0.09)Mat 13:17

For I tell you the truth, 1  many prophets and righteous people longed to see 2  what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.

(0.09)Mat 13:22

The 1  seed sown among thorns is the person who hears the word, but worldly cares and the seductiveness of wealth 2  choke the word, 3  so it produces nothing.

(0.09)Mat 14:15

When evening arrived, his disciples came to him saying, “This is an isolated place 1  and the hour is already late. Send the crowds away so that they can go into the villages and buy food for themselves.”

(0.09)Mat 15:22

A 1  Canaanite woman from that area came 2  and cried out, 3  “Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David! My daughter is horribly demon-possessed!”

(0.09)Mat 17:4

So 1  Peter said 2  to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you want, I will make 3  three shelters 4  – one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”

(0.09)Mat 17:25

He said, “Yes.” When Peter came into the house, Jesus spoke to him first, 1  “What do you think, Simon? From whom do earthly kings collect tolls or taxes – from their sons 2  or from foreigners?”

(0.09)Mat 18:28

After 1  he went out, that same slave found one of his fellow slaves who owed him one hundred silver coins. 2  So 3  he grabbed him by the throat and started to choke him, 4  saying, ‘Pay back what you owe me!’ 5 

(0.09)Mat 19:29

And whoever has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much 1  and will inherit eternal life.

(0.09)Mat 21:25

Where did John’s baptism come from? From heaven or from people?” 1  They discussed this among themselves, saying, “If we say, ‘From heaven,’ he will say, ‘Then why did you not believe him?’

(0.09)Mat 23:15

“Woe to you, experts in the law 1  and you Pharisees, hypocrites! You cross land and sea to make one convert, 2  and when you get one, 3  you make him twice as much a child of hell 4  as yourselves!

(0.09)Mat 23:16

“Woe to you, blind guides, who say, ‘Whoever swears by the temple is bound by nothing. 1  But whoever swears by the gold of the temple is bound by the oath.’

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