(0.21) | 2Co 11:23 | Are they servants of Christ? (I am talking like I am out of my mind!) I am even more so: with much greater labors, with far more imprisonments, with more severe beatings, facing death many times. |
(0.21) | 2Co 13:11 | Finally, brothers and sisters, 1 rejoice, set things right, be encouraged, agree with one another, live in peace, and the God of love and peace will be with you. |
(0.21) | 2Co 13:13 | The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship 1 of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 |
(0.21) | Gal 6:1 | Brothers and sisters, 1 if a person 2 is discovered in some sin, 3 you who are spiritual 4 restore such a person in a spirit of gentleness. 5 Pay close attention 6 to yourselves, so that you are not tempted too. |
(0.21) | Phi 4:8 | Finally, brothers and sisters, 1 whatever is true, whatever is worthy of respect, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if something is excellent or praiseworthy, think about these things. |
(0.21) | Col 2:18 | Let no one who delights in humility and the worship of angels pass judgment on you. That person goes on at great lengths 1 about what he has supposedly seen, but he is puffed up with empty notions by his fleshly mind. 2 |
(0.21) | 1Th 3:13 | so that your hearts are strengthened in holiness to be blameless before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his saints. 1 |
(0.21) | 1Th 4:18 | Therefore encourage one another with these words. |
(0.21) | 1Th 5:3 | Now when 1 they are saying, “There is peace and security,” 2 then sudden destruction comes on them, like labor pains 3 on a pregnant woman, and they will surely not escape. |
(0.21) | 2Th 2:3 | Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not arrive until the rebellion comes 1 and the man of lawlessness 2 is revealed, the son of destruction. 3 |
(0.21) | 2Th 2:4 | He 1 opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, and as a result he takes his seat 2 in God’s temple, displaying himself as God. 3 |
(0.21) | 1Ti 2:11 | A woman must learn 1 quietly with all submissiveness. |
(0.21) | 1Ti 4:9 | This saying 1 is trustworthy and deserves full acceptance. |
(0.21) | 1Ti 6:1 | Those who are under the yoke as slaves 1 must regard their own masters as deserving of full respect. This will prevent 2 the name of God and Christian teaching 3 from being discredited. 4 |
(0.21) | 2Ti 1:5 | I recall 1 your sincere faith 2 that was alive first in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice, and I am sure 3 is in you. |
(0.21) | 2Ti 2:19 | However, God’s solid foundation remains standing, bearing this seal: “The Lord knows those who are his,” 1 and “Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord 2 must turn away from evil.” |
(0.21) | 2Ti 4:17 | But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that through me the message 1 would be fully proclaimed 2 for all the Gentiles to hear. And so I was delivered from the lion’s mouth! |
(0.21) | Heb 2:9 | but we see Jesus, who was made lower than the angels for a little while, 1 now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, 2 so that by God’s grace he would experience 3 death on behalf of everyone. |
(0.21) | Heb 4:7 | So God 1 again ordains a certain day, “Today,” speaking through David 2 after so long a time, as in the words quoted before, 3 “O, that today you would listen as he speaks! 4 Do not harden your hearts.” |
(0.21) | Heb 7:28 | For the law appoints as high priests men subject to weakness, 1 but the word of solemn affirmation that came after the law appoints a son made perfect forever. |