(0.00) | Rev 11:18 | The 1 nations 2 were enraged, but 3 your wrath has come, and the time has come for the dead to be judged, and the time has come to give to your servants, 4 the prophets, their reward, as well as to the saints and to those who revere 5 your name, both small and great, and the time has come 6 to destroy those who destroy 7 the earth.” |
(0.00) | 2Ki 23:3 | The king stood by the pillar and renewed 1 the covenant before the Lord, agreeing to follow 2 the Lord and to obey his commandments, laws, and rules with all his heart and being, 3 by carrying out the terms 4 of this covenant recorded on this scroll. All the people agreed to keep the covenant. 5 |
(0.00) | Est 4:11 | “All the servants of the king and the people of the king’s provinces know that there is only one law applicable 1 to any man or woman who comes uninvited to the king in the inner court – that person will be put to death, unless the king extends to him the gold scepter, permitting him to be spared. 2 Now I have not been invited to come to the king for some thirty days!” |
(0.00) | Isa 66:3 | The one who slaughters a bull also strikes down a man; 1 the one who sacrifices a lamb also breaks a dog’s neck; 2 the one who presents an offering includes pig’s blood with it; 3 the one who offers incense also praises an idol. 4 They have decided to behave this way; 5 they enjoy these disgusting practices. 6 |
(0.00) | Gen 1:12 | The land produced vegetation – plants yielding seeds according to their kinds, and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. God saw that it was good. |
(0.00) | Gen 7:21 | And all living things 1 that moved on the earth died, including the birds, domestic animals, wild animals, all the creatures that swarm over the earth, and all humankind. |
(0.00) | Gen 11:13 | And after he became the father of Shelah, Arphaxad lived 403 years and had other 1 sons and daughters. 2 |
(0.00) | Gen 18:24 | What if there are fifty godly people in the city? Will you really wipe it out and not spare 1 the place for the sake of the fifty godly people who are in it? |
(0.00) | Gen 19:31 | Later the older daughter said 1 to the younger, “Our father is old, and there is no man anywhere nearby 2 to have sexual relations with us, 3 according to the way of all the world. |
(0.00) | Gen 20:6 | Then in the dream God replied to him, “Yes, I know that you have done this with a clear conscience. 1 That is why I have kept you 2 from sinning against me and why 3 I did not allow you to touch her. |
(0.00) | Gen 24:32 | So Abraham’s servant 1 went to the house and unloaded 2 the camels. Straw and feed were given 3 to the camels, and water was provided so that he and the men who were with him could wash their feet. 4 |
(0.00) | Gen 27:34 | When Esau heard 1 his father’s words, he wailed loudly and bitterly. 2 He said to his father, “Bless me too, my father!” |
(0.00) | Gen 28:18 | Early 1 in the morning Jacob 2 took the stone he had placed near his head 3 and set it up as a sacred stone. 4 Then he poured oil on top of it. |
(0.00) | Gen 30:27 | But Laban said to him, “If I have found favor in your sight, please stay here, 1 for I have learned by divination 2 that the Lord has blessed me on account of you.” |
(0.00) | Gen 33:8 | Esau 1 then asked, “What did you intend 2 by sending all these herds to meet me?” 3 Jacob 4 replied, “To find favor in your sight, my lord.” |
(0.00) | Gen 35:14 | So Jacob set up a sacred stone pillar in the place where God spoke with him. 1 He poured out a drink offering on it, and then he poured oil on it. 2 |
(0.00) | Gen 37:7 | There we were, 1 binding sheaves of grain in the middle of the field. Suddenly my sheaf rose up and stood upright and your sheaves surrounded my sheaf and bowed down 2 to it!” |
(0.00) | Gen 37:8 | Then his brothers asked him, “Do you really think you will rule over us or have dominion over us?” 1 They hated him even more 2 because of his dream and because of what he said. 3 |
(0.00) | Gen 38:8 | Then Judah said to Onan, “Have sexual relations with 1 your brother’s wife and fulfill the duty of a brother-in-law to her so that you may raise 2 up a descendant for your brother.” 3 |
(0.00) | Gen 42:36 | Their father Jacob said to them, “You are making me childless! Joseph is gone. 1 Simeon is gone. 2 And now you want to take 3 Benjamin! Everything is against me.” |