(0.43) | Joh 17:2 | just as you have given him authority over all humanity, 1 so that he may give eternal life to everyone you have given him. 2 |
(0.43) | Joh 17:13 | But now I am coming to you, and I am saying these things in the world, so they may experience 1 my joy completed 2 in themselves. |
(0.43) | Joh 18:3 | So Judas obtained a squad of soldiers 1 and some officers of the chief priests and Pharisees. 2 They came to the orchard 3 with lanterns 4 and torches and weapons. |
(0.43) | Joh 18:33 | So Pilate went back into the governor’s residence, 1 summoned Jesus, and asked him, “Are you the king of the Jews?” 2 |
(0.43) | Joh 19:5 | So Jesus came outside, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe. 1 Pilate 2 said to them, “Look, here is the man!” 3 |
(0.43) | Joh 19:10 | So Pilate said, 1 “Do you refuse to speak to me? Don’t you know I have the authority 2 to release you, and to crucify you?” 3 |
(0.43) | Joh 19:26 | So when Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing there, he said to his mother, “Woman, 1 look, here is your son!” |
(0.43) | Joh 19:29 | A jar full of sour wine 1 was there, so they put a sponge soaked in sour wine on a branch of hyssop 2 and lifted it 3 to his mouth. |
(0.43) | Joh 19:32 | So the soldiers came and broke the legs of the two men who had been crucified 1 with Jesus, 2 first the one and then the other. 3 |
(0.43) | Joh 19:35 | And the person who saw it 1 has testified (and his testimony is true, and he 2 knows that he is telling the truth), 3 so that you also may believe. |
(0.43) | Joh 20:21 | So Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. Just as the Father has sent me, I also send you.” |
(0.43) | Joh 21:1 | After this 1 Jesus revealed himself again to the disciples by the Sea of Tiberias. 2 Now this is how he did so. 3 |
(0.43) | Act 1:6 | So when they had gathered together, they began to ask him, 1 “Lord, is this the time when you are restoring the kingdom to Israel?” |
(0.43) | Act 1:19 | This 1 became known to all who lived in Jerusalem, so that in their own language 2 they called that field 3 Hakeldama, that is, “Field of Blood.”) |
(0.43) | Act 2:25 | For David says about him, ‘I saw the Lord always in front of me, 1 for he is at my right hand so that I will not be shaken. |
(0.43) | Act 2:30 | So then, because 1 he was a prophet and knew that God had sworn to him with an oath to seat one of his descendants 2 on his throne, 3 |
(0.43) | Act 4:36 | So Joseph, a Levite who was a native of Cyprus, called by the apostles Barnabas (which is translated “son of encouragement”), 1 |
(0.43) | Act 5:32 | And we are witnesses of these events, 1 and so is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey 2 him.” |
(0.43) | Act 5:41 | So they left the council rejoicing because they had been considered worthy 1 to suffer dishonor for the sake of the name. 2 |
(0.43) | Act 7:2 | So he replied, 1 “Brothers and fathers, listen to me. The God of glory appeared to our forefather 2 Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia, before he settled in Haran, |