(0.00) | Mic 2:1 | Those who devise sinful plans are as good as dead, 1 those who dream about doing evil as they lie in bed. 2 As soon as morning dawns they carry out their plans, 3 because they have the power to do so. |
(0.00) | Mic 3:3 | You 1 devour my people’s flesh, strip off their skin, and crush their bones. You chop them up like flesh in a pot 2 – like meat in a kettle. |
(0.00) | Mic 5:5 | He will give us peace. 1 Should the Assyrians try to invade our land and attempt to set foot in our fortresses, 2 we will send 3 against them seven 4 shepherd-rulers, 5 make that eight commanders. 6 |
(0.00) | Mic 6:8 | He has told you, O man, what is good, and what the Lord really wants from you: 1 He wants you to 2 promote 3 justice, to be faithful, 4 and to live obediently before 5 your God. |
(0.00) | Hab 3:19 | The sovereign Lord is my source of strength. 1 He gives me the agility of a deer; 2 he enables me to negotiate the rugged terrain. 3 (This prayer is for the song leader. It is to be accompanied by stringed instruments.) 4 |
(0.00) | Zec 3:8 | Listen now, Joshua the high priest, both you and your colleagues who are sitting before you, all of you 1 are a symbol that I am about to introduce my servant, the Branch. 2 |
(0.00) | Zec 8:17 | Do not plan evil in your hearts against one another. Do not favor a false oath – these are all things that I hate,’ says the Lord.” |
(0.00) | Zec 9:8 | Then I will surround my temple 1 to protect it like a guard 2 from anyone crossing back and forth; so no one will cross over against them anymore as an oppressor, for now I myself have seen it. |
(0.00) | Zec 9:14 | Then the Lord will appear above them, and his arrow will shoot forth like lightning; the Lord God will blow the trumpet and will sally forth on the southern storm winds. |
(0.00) | Zec 10:2 | For the household gods 1 have spoken wickedness, the soothsayers have seen a lie, and as for the dreamers, they have disclosed emptiness and give comfort in vain. Therefore the people set out like sheep and become scattered because they have no shepherd. 2 |
(0.00) | Zec 10:7 | The Ephraimites will be like warriors and will rejoice as if they had drunk wine. Their children will see it and rejoice; they will celebrate in the things of the Lord. |
(0.00) | Mal 2:13 | You also do this: You cover the altar of the Lord with tears 1 as you weep and groan, because he no longer pays any attention to the offering nor accepts it favorably from you. |
(0.00) | Mal 3:17 | “They will belong to me,” says the Lord who rules over all, “in the day when I prepare my own special property. 1 I will spare them as a man spares his son who serves him. |
(0.00) | Mat 5:32 | But I say to you that everyone who divorces his wife, except for immorality, makes her commit adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery. |
(0.00) | Mat 9:2 | Just then 1 some people 2 brought to him a paralytic lying on a stretcher. 3 When Jesus saw their 4 faith, he said to the paralytic, “Have courage, son! Your sins are forgiven.” 5 |
(0.00) | Mat 16:17 | And Jesus answered him, 1 “You are blessed, Simon son of Jonah, because flesh and blood 2 did not reveal this to you, but my Father in heaven! |
(0.00) | Mat 18:9 | And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter into life with one eye than to have 1 two eyes and be thrown into fiery hell. 2 |
(0.00) | Mar 3:8 | Jerusalem, 1 Idumea, beyond the Jordan River, 2 and around Tyre 3 and Sidon 4 a great multitude came to him when they heard about the things he had done. |
(0.00) | Mar 7:6 | He said to them, “Isaiah prophesied correctly about you hypocrites, as it is written: ‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart 1 is far from me. |
(0.00) | Mar 15:36 | Then someone ran, filled a sponge with sour wine, 1 put it on a stick, 2 and gave it to him to drink, saying, “Leave him alone! Let’s see if Elijah will come to take him down!” |