(0.31) | Job 35:6 | If you sin, how does it affect God? 1 If your transgressions are many, what does it do to him? 2 |
(0.31) | Job 35:7 | If you are righteous, what do you give to God, or what does he receive from your hand? |
(0.31) | Job 35:8 | Your wickedness affects only 1 a person like yourself, and your righteousness only other people. 2 |
(0.31) | Job 35:9 | “People 1 cry out because of the excess of oppression; 2 they cry out for help because of the power 3 of the mighty. 4 |
(0.31) | Job 35:10 | But no one says, ‘Where is God, my Creator, who gives songs in the night, 1 |
(0.31) | Job 35:11 | who teaches us 1 more than 2 the wild animals of the earth, and makes us wiser than the birds of the sky?’ |
(0.31) | Job 35:13 | Surely it is an empty cry 1 – God does not hear it; the Almighty does not take notice of it. |
(0.31) | Job 35:15 | And further, 1 when you say that his anger does not punish, 2 and that he does not know transgression! 3 |
(0.31) | Job 38:35 | Can you send out lightning bolts, and they go? Will they say to you, ‘Here we are’? |
(0.31) | Psa 35:1 | By David. O Lord, fight 2 those who fight with me! Attack those who attack me! |
(0.31) | Psa 35:5 | May they be 1 like wind-driven chaff, as the Lord’s angel 2 attacks them! 3 |
(0.31) | Psa 35:6 | May their path be 1 dark and slippery, as the Lord’s angel chases them! |
(0.31) | Psa 35:7 | I did not harm them, but they hid a net to catch me and dug a pit to trap me. 1 |
(0.31) | Psa 35:18 | Then I will give you thanks in the great assembly; 1 I will praise you before a large crowd of people! 2 |
(0.31) | Psa 35:20 | For they do not try to make peace with others, 1 but plan ways to deceive those who are unsuspecting. 2 |
(0.31) | Psa 35:21 | They are ready to devour me; 1 they say, “Aha! Aha! We’ve got you!” 2 |
(0.31) | Psa 35:22 | But you take notice, 1 Lord! O Lord, do not remain far away from me! |
(0.31) | Psa 35:23 | Rouse yourself, wake up 1 and vindicate me! 2 My God and Lord, defend my just cause! 3 |
(0.31) | Psa 35:24 | Vindicate me by your justice, O Lord my God! Do not let them gloat 1 over me! |
(0.31) | Psa 35:28 | Then I will tell others about your justice, 1 and praise you all day long. 2 |