(0.37) | 1Sa 17:48 | The Philistine drew steadily closer to David to attack him, while David quickly ran toward the battle line to attack the Philistine. 1 |
(0.37) | 1Ki 15:17 | King Baasha of Israel attacked Judah and established Ramah as a military outpost to prevent anyone from leaving or entering the land of King Asa of Judah. 1 |
(0.37) | 2Ch 7:9 | On the eighth day they held an assembly, for they had dedicated the altar for seven days and celebrated the festival for seven more days. |
(0.37) | Psa 138:8 | The Lord avenges me. 1 O Lord, your loyal love endures. Do not abandon those whom you have made! 2 |
(0.37) | Isa 48:12 | Listen to me, O Jacob, Israel, whom I summoned! I am the one; I am present at the very beginning and at the very end. 1 |
(0.37) | Eze 24:2 | “Son of man, write down the name of this day, this very day. The king of Babylon has laid siege 1 to Jerusalem 2 this very day. |
(0.37) | Dan 2:1 | In the second year of his 1 reign Nebuchadnezzar had many dreams. 2 His mind 3 was disturbed and he suffered from insomnia. 4 |
(0.37) | Jon 3:4 | When Jonah began to enter the city one day’s walk, he announced, “At the end of forty days, 1 Nineveh will be overthrown!” 2 |
(0.37) | Mat 14:30 | But when he saw the strong wind he became afraid. And starting to sink, he cried out, 1 “Lord, save me!” |
(0.37) | Mat 15:36 | he took the seven loaves and the fish, and after giving thanks, he broke them and began giving them to the disciples, who then gave them to the crowds. 1 |
(0.37) | Mar 4:36 | So 1 after leaving the crowd, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat, 2 and other boats were with him. |
(0.37) | Mar 5:20 | So 1 he went away and began to proclaim in the Decapolis 2 what Jesus had done for him, 3 and all were amazed. |
(0.37) | Mar 5:42 | The girl got up at once and began to walk around (she was twelve years old). They were completely astonished at this. 1 |
(0.37) | Mar 8:11 | Then the Pharisees 1 came and began to argue with Jesus, asking for 2 a sign from heaven 3 to test him. |
(0.37) | Mar 9:26 | It shrieked, threw him into terrible convulsions, and came out. The boy 1 looked so much like a corpse that many said, “He is dead!” |
(0.37) | Mar 14:11 | When they heard this, they were delighted 1 and promised to give him money. 2 So 3 Judas 4 began looking for an opportunity to betray him. |
(0.37) | Luk 8:23 | and as they sailed he fell asleep. Now a violent windstorm 1 came down on the lake, 2 and the boat 3 started filling up with water, and they were in danger. |
(0.37) | Luk 11:14 | Now 1 he was casting out a demon that was mute. 2 When 3 the demon had gone out, the man who had been mute began to speak, 4 and the crowds were amazed. |
(0.37) | Luk 15:21 | Then 1 his son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven 2 and against you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ 3 |
(0.37) | Luk 24:27 | Then 1 beginning with Moses and all the prophets, 2 he interpreted to them the things written about 3 himself in all the scriptures. |