(0.01) | 2Pe 2:9 | – if so, 1 then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from their trials, 2 and to reserve the unrighteous for punishment 3 at the day of judgment, |
(0.01) | 2Pe 3:18 | But grow in the grace and knowledge 1 of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the honor both now and on 2 that eternal day. 3 |
(0.01) | 1Jo 2:15 | Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him, |
(0.01) | 1Jo 2:21 | I have not written to you that 1 you do not know the truth, but that 2 you do know it, and that 3 no lie is of the truth. |
(0.01) | 1Jo 3:6 | Everyone who resides 1 in him does not sin; 2 everyone who sins has neither seen him nor known him. |
(0.01) | 1Jo 3:15 | Everyone who hates his fellow Christian 1 is a murderer, 2 and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing 3 in him. |
(0.01) | 1Jo 3:22 | and 1 whatever we ask we receive from him, because 2 we keep his commandments and do the things that are pleasing to him. |
(0.01) | 1Jo 5:15 | And if we know 1 that he hears us in regard to whatever we ask, then we know that we have the requests that we have asked from him. |
(0.01) | 2Jo 1:8 | Watch out, so that you do not lose the things we have worked for, 1 but receive a full reward. 2 |
(0.01) | Jud 1:1 | From Jude, 1 a slave 2 of Jesus Christ and brother of James, 3 to those who are called, wrapped in the love of 4 God the Father and kept for 5 Jesus Christ. |
(0.01) | Rev 8:8 | Then 1 the second angel blew his trumpet, and something like a great mountain of burning fire was thrown into the sea. A 2 third of the sea became blood, |
(0.01) | Rev 9:18 | A third of humanity was killed by these three plagues, that is, 1 by the fire, the smoke, and the sulfur that came out of their mouths. |
(0.01) | Rev 11:7 | When 1 they have completed their testimony, the beast that comes up from the abyss will make war on them and conquer 2 them and kill them. |
(0.01) | Rev 13:6 | So 1 the beast 2 opened his mouth to blaspheme against God – to blaspheme both his name and his dwelling place, 3 that is, those who dwell in heaven. |
(0.01) | Rev 16:11 | They blasphemed the God of heaven because of their sufferings 1 and because of their sores, 2 but nevertheless 3 they still refused to repent 4 of their deeds. |
(0.01) | Rev 17:5 | On 1 her forehead was written a name, a mystery: 2 “Babylon the Great, the Mother of prostitutes and of the detestable things of the earth.” |
(0.01) | Rev 18:1 | After these things I saw another angel, who possessed great authority, coming down out of heaven, and the earth was lit up by his radiance. 1 |
(0.01) | Rev 18:15 | The merchants who sold 1 these things, who got rich from her, will stand a long way off because they are afraid of her torment. They will weep 2 and mourn, |
(0.01) | Rev 21:2 | And I saw the holy city – the new Jerusalem – descending out of heaven from God, made ready like a bride adorned for her husband. |
(0.01) | Gen 1:28 | God blessed 1 them and said 2 to them, “Be fruitful and multiply! Fill the earth and subdue it! 3 Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and every creature that moves on the ground.” 4 |