(0.01) | Jud 1:10 | But these men do not understand the things they slander, and they are being destroyed by the very things that, like irrational animals, they instinctively comprehend. 1 |
(0.01) | Jud 1:24 | Now to the one who is able to keep you from falling, 1 and to cause you to stand, rejoicing, 2 without blemish 3 before his glorious presence, 4 |
(0.01) | Rev 2:19 | ‘I know your deeds: your love, faith, 1 service, and steadfast endurance. 2 In fact, 3 your more recent deeds are greater than your earlier ones. |
(0.01) | Rev 2:22 | Look! I am throwing her onto a bed of violent illness, 1 and those who commit adultery with her into terrible suffering, 2 unless they repent of her deeds. |
(0.01) | Rev 2:26 | And to the one who conquers 1 and who continues in 2 my deeds until the end, I will give him authority over the nations 3 – |
(0.01) | Rev 5:12 | all of whom 1 were singing 2 in a loud voice: “Worthy is the lamb who was killed 3 to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and praise!” |
(0.01) | Rev 8:9 | and a third of the creatures 1 living in the sea died, and a third of the ships were completely destroyed. 2 |
(0.01) | Rev 13:7 | The beast 1 was permitted to go to war against the saints and conquer them. 2 He was given ruling authority 3 over every tribe, people, 4 language, and nation, |
(0.01) | Rev 16:5 | Now 1 I heard the angel of the waters saying: “You are just 2 – the one who is and who was, the Holy One – because you have passed these judgments, 3 |
(0.01) | Rev 22:12 | (Look! I am coming soon, and my reward is with me to pay 1 each one according to what he has done! |
(0.01) | Rev 22:15 | Outside are the dogs and the sorcerers 1 and the sexually immoral, and the murderers, and the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood! 2 |
(0.01) | Gen 1:13 | There was evening, and there was morning, a third day. |
(0.01) | Gen 1:19 | There was evening, and there was morning, a fourth day. |
(0.01) | Gen 1:23 | There was evening, and there was morning, a fifth day. |
(0.01) | Gen 2:9 | The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow from the soil, 1 every tree that was pleasing to look at 2 and good for food. (Now 3 the tree of life 4 and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil 5 were in the middle of the orchard.) |
(0.01) | Gen 2:19 | The Lord God formed 1 out of the ground every living animal of the field and every bird of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would 2 name them, and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. |
(0.01) | Gen 7:6 | Noah 1 was 600 years old when the floodwaters engulfed 2 the earth. |
(0.01) | Gen 7:10 | And after seven days the floodwaters engulfed the earth. 1 |
(0.01) | Gen 7:20 | The waters rose more than twenty feet 1 above the mountains. 2 |
(0.01) | Gen 10:12 | and Resen, which is between Nineveh and the great city Calah. 1 |