(0.53) | 1Th 2:12 | exhorting and encouraging you and insisting that you live in a way worthy of God who calls you to his own kingdom and his glory. |
(0.53) | Heb 13:9 | Do not be carried away by all sorts of strange teachings. 1 For it is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace, not ritual meals, 2 which have never benefited those who participated in them. |
(0.53) | 1Jo 1:6 | If we say we have fellowship with him and yet keep on walking 1 in the darkness, we are lying and not practicing 2 the truth. |
(0.53) | 2Jo 1:4 | I rejoiced greatly because I have found some 1 of your children living according to the truth, 2 just as the Father commanded us. 3 |
(0.53) | Rev 3:4 | But you have a few individuals 1 in Sardis who have not stained 2 their clothes, and they will walk with me dressed 3 in white, because they are worthy. |
(0.53) | Rev 16:15 | (Look! I will come like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays alert and does not lose 1 his clothes so that he will not have to walk around naked and his shameful condition 2 be seen.) 3 |
(0.53) | Rev 21:24 | The nations 1 will walk by its light and the kings of the earth will bring their grandeur 2 into it. |
(0.50) | Joh 12:35 | Jesus replied, 1 “The light is with you for a little while longer. 2 Walk while you have the light, so that the darkness may not overtake you. 3 The one who walks in the darkness does not know where he is going. |
(0.44) | Mat 4:18 | As 1 he was walking by the Sea of Galilee he saw two brothers, Simon (called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea (for they were fishermen). 2 |
(0.44) | Mar 6:48 | He 1 saw them straining at the oars, because the wind was against them. As the night was ending, 2 he came to them walking on the sea, 3 for 4 he wanted to pass by them. 5 |
(0.44) | Mar 7:5 | The Pharisees and the experts in the law asked him, “Why do your disciples not live according to the tradition of the elders, but eat 1 with unwashed hands?” |
(0.44) | Luk 7:22 | So 1 he answered them, 2 “Go tell 3 John what you have seen and heard: 4 The blind see, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the 5 deaf hear, the dead are raised, the poor have good news proclaimed to them. |
(0.44) | Luk 20:46 | “Beware 1 of the experts in the law. 2 They 3 like walking around in long robes, and they love elaborate greetings 4 in the marketplaces and the best seats 5 in the synagogues 6 and the places of honor at banquets. |
(0.44) | Joh 8:12 | Then Jesus spoke out again, 1 “I am the light of the world. 2 The one who follows me will never 3 walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” |
(0.44) | Joh 11:9 | Jesus replied, 1 “Are there not twelve hours in a day? If anyone walks around in the daytime, he does not stumble, 2 because he sees the light of this world. 3 |
(0.44) | Joh 11:54 | Thus Jesus no longer went 1 around publicly 2 among the Judeans, 3 but went away from there to the region near the wilderness, to a town called Ephraim, 4 and stayed there with his disciples. |
(0.44) | Joh 21:18 | I tell you the solemn truth, 1 when you were young, you tied your clothes around you 2 and went wherever you wanted, but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and others will tie you up 3 and bring you where you do not want to go.” |
(0.44) | Act 3:6 | But Peter said, “I have no silver or gold, 1 but what I do have I give you. In the name 2 of Jesus Christ 3 the Nazarene, stand up and 4 walk!” |
(0.44) | Act 3:12 | When Peter saw this, he declared to the people, “Men of Israel, 1 why are you amazed at this? Why 2 do you stare at us as if we had made this man 3 walk by our own power or piety? |
(0.44) | Act 21:21 | They have been informed about you – that you teach all the Jews now living 1 among the Gentiles to abandon 2 Moses, telling them not to circumcise their children 3 or live 4 according to our customs. |