(0.01) | Mal 3:6 | “Since, I, the Lord, do not go back on my promises, 1 you, sons of Jacob, have not perished. |
(0.01) | Mat 4:5 | Then the devil took him to the holy city, 1 had him stand 2 on the highest point 3 of the temple, |
(0.01) | Mat 4:19 | He said to them, “Follow me, and I will turn you into fishers of people.” 1 |
(0.01) | Mat 8:21 | Another 1 of the 2 disciples said to him, “Lord, let me first go and bury my father.” |
(0.01) | Mat 8:31 | Then the demons begged him, 1 “If you drive us out, send us into the herd of pigs.” |
(0.01) | Mat 9:27 | As Jesus went on from there, two blind men followed him, shouting, 1 “Have mercy 2 on us, Son of David!” 3 |
(0.01) | Mat 10:3 | Philip and Bartholomew; 1 Thomas 2 and Matthew the tax collector; 3 James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; 4 |
(0.01) | Mat 10:20 | For it is not you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. |
(0.01) | Mat 11:2 | Now when John 1 heard in prison about the deeds Christ 2 had done, he sent his disciples to ask a question: 3 |
(0.01) | Mat 13:37 | He 1 answered, “The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man. |
(0.01) | Mat 13:40 | As 1 the weeds are collected and burned with fire, so it will be at the end of the age. |
(0.01) | Mat 14:20 | They all ate and were satisfied, and they picked up the broken pieces left over, twelve baskets full. |
(0.01) | Mat 14:29 | So he said, “Come.” Peter got out of the boat, walked on the water, and came toward Jesus. |
(0.01) | Mat 16:14 | They answered, “Some say John the Baptist, others Elijah, 1 and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” |
(0.01) | Mat 18:1 | At that time the disciples came to Jesus saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” |
(0.01) | Mat 22:2 | “The kingdom of heaven can be compared to a king who gave a wedding banquet for his son. |
(0.01) | Mat 22:29 | Jesus 1 answered them, “You are deceived, 2 because you don’t know the scriptures or the power of God. |
(0.01) | Mat 25:8 | The 1 foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, because our lamps are going out.’ |
(0.01) | Mat 25:19 | After 1 a long time, the master of those slaves came and settled his accounts with them. |
(0.01) | Mat 25:30 | And throw that worthless slave into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ |