(0.26) | 2Co 11:21 | (To my disgrace 1 I must say that we were too weak for that!) 2 But whatever anyone else dares to boast about 3 (I am speaking foolishly), I also dare to boast about the same thing. 4 |
(0.26) | Phi 1:28 | and by not being intimidated in any way by your opponents. This is 1 a sign of their 2 destruction, but of your salvation – a sign which 3 is from God. |
(0.26) | Heb 10:8 | When he says above, “Sacrifices and offerings and whole burnt offerings and sin-offerings you did not desire nor did you take delight in them” 1 (which are offered according to the law), |
(0.26) | Jam 1:12 | Happy is the one 1 who endures testing, because when he has proven to be genuine, he will receive the crown of life that God 2 promised to those who love him. |
(0.26) | 1Pe 2:9 | But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of his own, so that you may proclaim the virtues 1 of the one who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. |
(0.26) | 1Pe 3:15 | But set Christ 1 apart 2 as Lord in your hearts and always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope you possess. 3 |
(0.26) | 2Pe 2:3 | And in their greed they will exploit you with deceptive words. Their 1 condemnation pronounced long ago 2 is not sitting idly by; 3 their 4 destruction is not asleep. |
(0.26) | 2Pe 2:13 | suffering harm as the wages for their harmful ways. 1 By considering it a pleasure to carouse in broad daylight, 2 they are stains and blemishes, indulging 3 in their deceitful pleasures when they feast together with you. |
(0.26) | 2Pe 3:9 | The Lord is not slow concerning his promise, 1 as some regard slowness, but is being patient toward you, because he does not wish 2 for any 3 to perish but for all to come to repentance. 4 |
(0.26) | 1Jo 2:19 | They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us, because if they had belonged to us, they would have remained 1 with us. But 2 they went out from us 3 to demonstrate 4 that all of them do not belong to us. 5 |
(0.26) | 1Jo 3:2 | Dear friends, we are God’s children now, and what we will be 1 has not yet been revealed. We 2 know that 3 whenever 4 it 5 is revealed 6 we will be like him, because 7 we will see him just as he is. 8 |
(0.26) | 1Jo 4:16 | And we have come to know and to believe 1 the love that God has in us. 2 God is love, and the one who resides 3 in love resides in God, and God resides in him. |
(0.26) | Rev 1:9 | I, John, your brother and the one who shares 1 with you in the persecution, kingdom, and endurance that 2 are in Jesus, was on the island called Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony about Jesus. 3 |
(0.26) | Rev 18:14 | (The ripe fruit 1 you greatly desired 2 has gone from you, and all your luxury 3 and splendor 4 have gone from you – they will never ever be found again!) 5 |
(0.26) | Rev 20:8 | and will go out to deceive 1 the nations at the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, 2 to bring them together for the battle. They are as numerous as the grains of sand in the sea. 3 |
(0.25) | Jos 5:6 | Indeed, for forty years the Israelites traveled through the desert until all the men old enough to fight when they left Egypt, the ones who had disobeyed the Lord, died off. 1 For the Lord had sworn a solemn oath to them that he would not let them see the land he had sworn on oath to give them, 2 a land rich in 3 milk and honey. |
(0.24) | Gen 2:5 | Now 1 no shrub of the field had yet grown on the earth, and no plant of the field 2 had yet sprouted, for the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the earth, and there was no man to cultivate the ground. 3 |
(0.24) | Gen 6:7 | So the Lord said, “I will wipe humankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth – everything from humankind to animals, 1 including creatures that move on the ground and birds of the air, for I regret that I have made them.” |
(0.24) | Gen 24:7 | “The Lord, the God of heaven, who took me from my father’s house and the land of my relatives, 1 promised me with a solemn oath, 2 ‘To your descendants I will give this land.’ He will send his angel 3 before you so that you may find 4 a wife for my son from there. |
(0.24) | Gen 26:3 | Stay 1 in this land. Then I will be with you and will bless you, 2 for I will give all these lands to you and to your descendants, 3 and I will fulfill 4 the solemn promise I made 5 to your father Abraham. |